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Does your job cause you anxiety??

willingSkies8661 March 21st, 2022

My job gives me anxiety. I used to enjoy it in the beginning but I'm going on my 8th year this year with the company and I'm bored and not motivated. I'm not growing and doing the same thing everyday. My boss has distributed my task to other people i find myself running out of work very quickly. I have to stretch my work to make it through the day. My boss recently have me helping somebody and I don't know wth I'm doing. I just guess what code to use hoping it's right. Right now it's like i do/don't care over here. Ive felt isolated since she moved me to another location since the start of pandemic. She doesn't check on which i like but at the same time i dont feel like i belong to a department. I don't feel like she care about me. I know i should be happy i have a job right now but if i get laid off it's ok too. Thought about leaving but since ive been here for a long time, ill stick it here until they give me the boot. Hopefully that time ill have a nice severance for being here for so long.

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yellowindigo66 April 4th, 2022

I'm kind of in a similar, but different in some way, situation. The company moved me to a new department in recent months. There are quite a lot of unknowns due to there are many different tasks involved and I need to learn them. The seniors around ain't giving much help either. So, overall, it's been quite overwhelming. I'm thankful I have a job, but it is not giving me much joy.

Slaren April 11th, 2022

I remember writing an essay on this subject. I'm already working on my personal statement of application, and there are a few issues I'm stumped on. Personal statement writing service was recommended by a friend, and it is definitely best to write a specialist. Then I'll be ready to embark on a new adventure.

sincerePlace8195 April 12th, 2022

@willingSkies8661 Hi, I'm sorry you feel this way, I recently faced the decision of staying in my actual job that is not my dream job but gives me security and a relatively good paycheck or moving to a job that matches almost perfectly to what I want to do with my life but that pays less money and doesn't offers me a warranty for more than 3 months. I thought a lot about it and I stayed but I definitely want to go somewhere else in the future, this place is nice and my boss has been the best to me, but I'm going to fulfill my dreams eventually and you should too. I don't know, but maybe this is the sign for you to search for a more rewarding and challenging job, you don't owe the world staying there if you are not happy.

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