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Chest Pains

Njax14 February 6th, 2017

For the past two days I have experienced minor chest pains on left side. I'm 22 years old with no heart condition or health problems so while I know that a heart attack is unlikely, I have been in a constant state of panic. My anxiety had been flaring up prior to the pains starting so maybe it is just a symptom? Have any of you experienced this as a symptom of your anxiety? What did it feel like? I cannot afford a hospital bill but I am so afraid that something terrible will happen . I have gone to the hospital several times in the past for various pains/illnesses that I was convinced I had but didnt and was sent home every time. Would it be worth it to be checked out? Opinions would be much appreciated!

LotusFlower92 February 7th, 2017

@Njax14 I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! Yes, anxiety can make us feel like we are having a heart attack, especially in the event of a panic or anxiety attack. It truly is scary, I know! But panic and anxiety attacks go away on their own. I'm sorry you're struggling with physical issues such as heart pain! Have you tried maybe taking aspirin? And meditating? It's good to focus on your breathing. Shallow breathing can make us feel panicky and anxious. Inhale, let your belly expand. Exhale, let your belly sink in. Breathe from the abdomen, not the chest. Hope this helps!

Emily619 February 6th, 2017

Although I can give advice, it s always better to be safe than sorry! Best of luck heart

affectionateBeechwood3335 February 6th, 2017


Going through a similar thing myself this week, bad chest pains on Thursday still getting some pain. Went to doctor who told me it was anxiety without any kind of exam. (i'm 45), It makes me mad when people assume everything is anxiety! I couldn't cope with going to Hospital as that would give me an anxiety attack.

The chances of it being a heart problem at your age is much less, but if you have other symptoms like tireness, shortness of breath, feeling dizzy diffinately get checked out.

Njax14 OP February 6th, 2017

Yes it is very frustrating! I am almost afraid to go to the hospital for anything now as doctors have been downright rude to me for coming in to get checked after it turned out to be anxiety symptoms. I would much rather be safe than sorry but am hesitant to go this time as I have a two year old to support and we are about to move into a home so I cant afford to be billed at the moment. Thank you so much, I will definitely take action if I experience those other symptoms but you have given me some peace of mind for right now @affectionateBeechwood3335

helenamrn February 7th, 2017

I have anxiety which results to insomnia, shortness of breath etc. Last year I started having sudden chest pains that would be quite painful and last for hours. However, I never went to the doctor to see me because I didn't think it was anything serious and I was convinced it was caused by my anxiety. I had chest pains for months that would come and go almost every day, but now it has been months since I've had a chest pain. I don't really know how and why the pain stopped since I didn't really do anything different and I'm actually more anxious at this period of my life. Anyway, If you think there's any possibility it could be serious, I think you should go to the hospital just to be safe.

JamieHarvie February 7th, 2017

@helenamrn I had the exact same thing but unlike you we didn't know what it was so we sought out specialist after specialist and went to three different children hospitals and they finally decided it was anxiety

calmSpruce2908 February 7th, 2017

I have chest pain whenever I'm around people or other situations where I have anxiety. Sometimes it's hard to breathe. I know how it feels. I just try to take deeper breaths and distract myself until I'm okay again.