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Biggest fear becomes a reality?

GoldenLight07 September 25th, 2022

As it's approaching midnight again, a lot of thoughts come into my mind unceasingly..

For tonight, it is this "that moment when your worst fears become a reality" . Honestly, it's a painful words to read or even digest isn't it? No one would want to manifest this words. What are your thoughts about this phrase? What would you do if you were in this situation? Now..lets all of us *takes deep breathe* and think of it for a min, shall we? 🤗 I hope to hear some of you guys insights!

confusedRaven6140 September 25th, 2022

I've lived that phrase on a couple occasions. Somehow... it was both worse than I imagined and at the same time not as bad as I imagined. I think I underestimate my ability to deal with the things I'm afraid of. I suppose that's why I'm afraid of them 🤷🏼‍♀️

GoldenLight07 OP September 25th, 2022
Hi @confusedRaven6140 :) Thank you for the reply! It was a great insight from you. I like when you said, "I think I underestimate my ability to deal with the things I'm afraid of - suppose that's why I am scared of it." Honestly, that was a great reflection that you made. I am glad that it sounds like you manage to handle the situation better than you expected it to be🤗
Gettingbettertoday October 3rd, 2022

My biggest fear is that people will find out the real me

If that happened I would find a quiet place to end it.

GoldenLight07 OP October 4th, 2022

Hi @Notsogoodtoday ,

I heard you. I, too once have that fear. Sometime fears did control a big part of ourselves and life, and it just made me sad thinking about it..

Also I am sorry to hear that,Good. I am not sure what you are really experiencing, but I hope that whatever the struggles you are struggling right now, you will be able to go through it and face it slowly..I am sending strength and loves to you!

Shipwreck October 8th, 2022

I am often terrified I won’t be strong enough, or that my anxiety will always be in the way of me living a good life.

I mean I’m a lot better than I was but I struggle with stress a lot