Anyone else suffer from Tinnitus?
I've recently had a bad reaction to meds and had insane ringing in one of my ears. I have hence weened off of everything but alas, the tinnitus is still haunting me.
I have tried breathing techniques, exercise, magnesium, and all the sounds.... soundscapes DO help, but I think I am just mourning that I may never experience silence ever again and it gives me such intense anxiety. especially at night when I just want to lay in silence
When its really loud after I'm tired or stressed or something triggers it (like coffee, or just....eating) I get really flustered.
I'm just curious if anyone has any tips on how to reduce anxiety around something that might be permanent.
How do I come to terms with this?
Hi @GoldenArrow <3
I really feel fo you, tinnitus is so debilitating, I'm not surprised you feel anxious, especially when you can't see an end to the problem.
One way of coping would be to really get to grips with Mindfulness if you can, you'll find you can use this at times when you feel particularly stressed and it will come so naturally to you that you will have found a way to cope with it until such times as it is resolves. Here's a link for you and we also have a Mindfulness discussion tonight.Mon Apr 1st 3:30pm - 4:30pm (EDT) in thr Mindfulness Room.
I'm sorry you faced such a problem. I know what tinnitus is from my own experience. It has to be noted, it can be temporary and constant. I hope you have a temporary one, and when the effect of the medications ends, you will stop suffering from it. As for the treatment, I recommend visiting an audiologist. I addressed the audiological services where my mother was examined. They have a wide choice of hearing aids for sale and several treatments for tinnitus. I decided to try Neuromonics. It supports your body’s own natural mechanisms to block out tinnitus symptoms, so relief lasts long after the treatment ends. Also, I take Vitamin B12, Zink, and ginkgo extract. All this works great for me. I almost forgot what tinnitus is. Hopefully, you will be fine soon.
Yes! I have the same problem in both ears but no know cause. Sometimes it is so incredibly loud it feels like I can't hear myself think!!
I have had it for years now so hopefully there is help in one of these replies. ❤️