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Anxious for no reason

Bryar March 11th, 2016

I'm curable having the worst feeling of anxiety, and I don't feel like breathing. There is no cause behind these feelings. Am I the only one that feels anxious and depressed without a cause.

I'm not motivated for my vocal class, which I usually am (sort of).

Does anyone have advice for dealing with there's feelings. I don't feel like I can deal with it since I don't know what's causing it.

Thank you 💜

dmaxine March 11th, 2016

@Bryar anxiety can come up as a result of many different triggers, some deep within our subconscious. I have struggled with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks for the last 7 years. Your anxiety may have been triggered by something or someone today, or within the last few days and has been brought up from your subconscious causing the anxiety. Try grabbing some fresh air, if the anxiety is too strong to leave the house, try square breathing (breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, breathe out of 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, repeat)...this is one of the few excercizes I've learned that he truly helped me some times. If this works; either repeat a certain mantra that is special and uplifting to you, my personal favourite "this too shall pass."

AdVictoriam March 11th, 2016

Hey there Bryar!

It sounds like the anxiety has been progressing and now has reached the point where you no longer feel as motivated to go to class (even though you still want to go, if that makes sense).

Have you noticed the anxiety growing in other aspects of your life? Are there places where the anxiety has grown more than other places?

I believe it could be helpful to talk to a listener just to talk through the anxiety and try to pin point where the anxiety is most prevalent and where it is least prevalent. This can give you some insight as to what is causing the anxiety as well :)

katrin123 April 1st, 2016

Accept Yourself

You should just accept your aptitude to worry as a feature of the character. There is no need to blame yourself for the fears, even if they are too intrusive and irrational:

Yes, I am afraid that a brick will fall on my head tomorrow. I have a right to be afraid.

When anxiety is not perceived as an internal enemy, it reduces its influence on the quality of life. The mind ceases to dwell on worries, admitting their existence, and switches to actions.

Some more tips here: