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Anxiety is a War in My Mind

lookingformyself04 April 11th, 2022

I think I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I always needed to be perfect. My mind always told me that perfection was the only option. I let myself think way too hard. I worry too much. One day, I would like my brain to take a break. But for years now, it's on this constant loop of worry. Even when I feel at ease, I know there's something creeping up to put me down.

determined3246 April 12th, 2022

Wow, you describe my my feelings exactly. I always just feel like theres something more to worry about. When doing something, eating, washing my hands, etc, my mind is already worried about all the other things coming next. I cannot focis on the moment...or even the second I'm living in.

lookingformyself04 OP April 12th, 2022

@determined3246 I'm glad I'm not the only one with this feeling! Is there anything you do to help with this? I've been trying different exercises recently to help with this: breathing, yoga, mindfulness exercises, writing, and more!

determined3246 April 12th, 2022

Breathing helps, and also distractions with things like upbeat music. Kinda helps be like a reset.