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Anxiety controls me

V2323 July 5th, 2018

I am here because when my anxiety takes over it affects who I am and my relationship w others.

My currect freak out is being triggered by health issues, so basically in and out doctors just to get approved for wisdom teeth removal surgery but its taking like 2 months n I finally have a day set up to do it coming up soon. However I had wax buildup couldnt hear, they drained it but it hurts n now have swimmers ear (water inside) and I dont know if ill even b able to hear in tht ear again cause its been like a month couldnt hear out of it now its the same just hurts too. Then I got another tetanus shot within two yrs (its supposed to b after ten yrs) idk if thts really bad or possible death. The area on my arm of the shot is still swollen, its all just freaking me out while my surgery is in less than a week. Oh also I hope I recover in time for my vacation thts coming up in two weeks... 😖

ScottFantucchioLMHC July 6th, 2018

It's hard to have anxiety when nothing major is going on in life, let alone when things are stressful. It sounds like you have a lot going on right now, I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling so much. You are doing the right thing by expressing how you feel and reaching out for help.

V2323 OP July 6th, 2018


It may b difficult at least at first but reaching out is so important, Thank you