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Anxiety and not being good enough

Cris11 March 20th, 2023

Do you ever feel you don't deserve love? All my anxiety and worries and Panic attacks make me feel i just deserve love when i'm not in a bad day or of One day i get "cured" of my anxiety :(

I feel a por of Times that my boyfriend deserves better than me

Mya000 March 21st, 2023

@Cris11 I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with these feelings. It's not uncommon for people with anxiety to feel like they don't deserve love or to have low self-esteem. However, it's important to remember that these thoughts are not based in reality and do not define your worth as a person.

Your anxiety and panic attacks do not make you undeserving of love. Everyone has good days and bad days, and it's important to have a partner who supports you through both. It's okay to have bad days and to struggle with anxiety—that does not mean you are any less deserving of love and support.

It's also important to communicate with your partner about how you are feeling. Let them know that you appreciate their support and care, but that you are struggling with these thoughts. You might find it helpful to seek therapy or counselling to work through these feelings and learn coping strategies for managing anxiety.

Remember that you are deserving of love and care, even on your toughest days. You are worthy of a supportive and loving relationship, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it ❤️

Cris11 OP March 21st, 2023

Thank you so much for your words ❤️

I really needed to hear this!! My mind can BE really judgemental sometimes!

I wish you all the best!

Mya000 March 21st, 2023

@Cris11 You're very welcome! I'm glad that my words were helpful to you. Don't worry, we all have moments where our minds can be judgmental. Just remember to be kind to yourself and take care. Best wishes to you too!