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Accused of sexual abuse

TryinT2BGudEnWorkin123 July 23rd, 2019

Has anyone successfully coped with either a liar or delusional future mother-in-law? In the future im considering marrying my partner, and adopt her daughter, who i already treat as my own. Her daughter is a funny and loving 4yr old kid who's always ready to speak up her mind. I don't mind strict or protective parents / in-law qualifiers. But these months, my chest has been heavy and heavier, yesterday her grandma did it again. Her grandma keeps insisting that our lil girl said i brought her in the bathroom, had her kiss my bottom, and my front, where white is coming out (yes, the 61 yr old grandma said that in a more ungraceful certain way, many many times over and over to her 4yr old granddaughter). To a point she got the kid to nod a bit in front of the mom, that would normally cause anxiety for my partner, despite my partner knows it's virtually impossible, and i myself would never do such. I used to care strongly for that grandma's well being as well. The sibblings dont seem on planning or taking responbility for her other scandalous behavior, plus i was told they want to protect or preserve her reputation as their mother. But now with all those trauma she's inflicting or passing on the child, i feel like i wanna slap and shout at her face if she acts like that personally. I hate feeling like this, there's so much anger, confusion, sadness, and hopelessness affecting my attention for daily activities like work, reading, or any daily routines, im phasing out more frequently and longer, i think im the one going depressed now. I can't even ask about it with my colleagues, friends, or my family, because it's still my partner's private matter. At least we can handle stuff here as an anonymous group. I try not to overthink, but how can we just let that thought go? It felt unfair, betrayed in away that i cared for the person, but that grandma was like a snake who bit beyond your arms when you were trying to feed em with love. I never tried to look good, but i've doin good for her uncondtionally, i just can't help wonder why a grandma would do such things to her granddaughter. The grandma refuses to speak to me, nor show herself when i invite her to important celebrations, despite her daughter/ my partner dont want her there because of the previous scandalous behaviors. That grandma is the main one who takes care of the kid, while the mom works in office, apparently i'd be having trouble giving personal care for the kid, with all the trust issues, and benefit of the doubt generated. I've been understanding and still trying, since i know the grandma went thru multiple physical and emotional abuse back in her days, not sure if she got raped, but she saw someone got raped in front of her, and personally knows other victims of pedophiles, concubinage, and domestic violence. But it doesnt justify to make lies and harsh concepts for a young child. So do you think i should just keep enduring those accusations and limits they've imposed on me, then let time heal our worries? Or do you have something else in your mind?

SecretlyMe February 26th, 2020

@TryinT2BGudEnWorkin123 That's terrible that you have been forced to endure these rumors and lies. You don't deserve to have that happen to you and I'm sorry that you had to. I also apologize that you haven't recieved a response on your thread before now. I can tell from your post that you are dealing with a whirlwind of emotions and you didn't know how to handle it anymore. People come to 7 cups when they need help and I'm sorry we didn't help you sooner.

May I ask how you've been since last July? Has the problem gotten worse? Better? Much of the same?

TryinT2BGudEnWorkin123 OP September 5th

@SecretlyMe it's somehow therapeutic looking back on this matter I've been worrying about. Unfortunately, it never got solved. The grandma passed away just over a year ago. Went to her wake and acted as liaison for meals and spiritual traditions. My partner is now my-ex, we agreed to be just bestfriends instead due to too many irreconcible differences. She tried to return the engagement ring, I refused and advised she can keep it and I don't intend to get married nor be in a relationship with anyone else anyways. Her daughter still refers to me as "papa" and we occassionally spend time playing an online video game, she's now 10 yrs old. Today, I just have a lot of negative thoughts I'm trying to digest and learn from to be a better person, recently resigned from a job. I would refer to myself as functional depressive, till I lost my only source of income by choice and now I'm just kinda depressed struggling with the transition to a world of remote jobs. My bestfriend still chats or checks on me every other 1-3 days and was just inviting me for a meet-up so she could give me the long forgotten gift (some kind of shirt) to me from her brother. Said I was busy because it was too sudden, got headache, right shoulder in pain, and I felt really tired preparing for a nap. Other than those we've been blessed with a roof and a dry floor, we currently having a terrible storm. Thank you for asking, I hope you are in a warm place.