Self-Care for Anxiety
1. Routine is important.
Anxiety thrives on turbulence and uncertainty. Ive found that coming up with a good routine helps eliminate a lot of it. You know what youre supposed to be doing and when. Youre not worried about getting this done or making time for that because you already know when its supposed to be done. Making self-care a part of your routine can help ensure that every single day incorporates something good for you.
2. Rationalize, Rationalize, Rationalize.
Our anxiety will try to make us believe a lot of things. Most of them Worst-Case-Scenarios which are hard not to believe in. Focusing on reality when that happens is really important. List all of the reasons why the big bad is unlikely to happen. If theres one bad scenario that you just cant get out of your head, you ca try making a contingency plan for it. This way, when that thought comes up again you can comfort yourself with knowing that you have a plan to take care of it and youll be able to handle it.
3. Talk about it.
Just talking about our anxiety fears can do wonders for taking away the scary power of it. Dont let it alienate you and make you suffer in silence. Talk about what worries. People do care and they will listen. Having a support system and someone to talk can make dealing with anxiety much easier.
4. Mindful and mindless activities.
Sometimes you need an activity to actively pull you out of your anxiety and other times you just need a distraction from your thoughts. Meditation, calming music, yoga, jogging, journaling –those are some ideas that can help us deal with anxiety when ou mind is stuck in an obsessive, anxious, loop about something. Distraction works wonders! Mindless activities like playing video games, watching tv shows or movies, painting or reading – can help make the thoughts fade.
What is your self-care for anxiety?
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