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My Phobia

ShortyLarge March 30th, 2018

This fear has been eating me up for a while. I am a teenager and I feel so embarrassed of being afraid of something so silly. For as long as I could remember, I have had a fear of stuffed animals. For years I have had reoccurring dreams about stuffed animals becoming possessed/possessing me, making it so I can't move or talk or scream for help.

I still continue to have these nightmares, just not as often. It has even lead me to the point were if I dream about a certain stuffed animal we own, I take large measures to try and avoid it, sometimes even throwing it away just because of a nightmare.

I feel really embarrassed. Last time I mentioned it in 7 cups they started making up feared saying things like: I'm afraid of stickers, just to tease me. Help?

Booklover95 March 30th, 2018


The person who teased you should be punished. 7cups is a website for support and no judgment. Specially since your phobia is actually extremly common, so don't be embarassed about it.

Personally I don't have a solution for it, however I wanted to reply so you don't feel alone or feel bad about this. Next time someone makes fun of you here report them.

ShortyLarge OP March 30th, 2018

@Booklover95 Thanks

April 26th, 2018

@BattyBallerina what you suffer from is sleep-paralysis. sleep-paralysis- inability to scream, open eyes, move body- is often accompanied with horrible nightmares. be aware that it is your mind showing you some 3D horror movie, nothing more. i have been dealing with this situation all my life. and when i realised what i am going through, and what it actually is, surprisingly my sleep-paralysis disappeared. when you go through same thing again, consiously think that you are watching a horror movie or after it is over, try recalling the horror movie your brain showed exclusively to you. apart from that, also understand that nothing can possess inanimate objects. may be what you dont like is the idea that animals are stuffed. may be you love animals so much that you dont like the idea of stuffing them? or it could really be a fear of stuffed animals. difficult to say.

sweetbutterfly93 May 5th, 2018

awww...I know how you feel, I have an embarrising phobia. I get scared if I ever here the children's song, the Itsy Bitsy Spider. The song gives me the creeps.