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SA111979 February 5th, 2022

I am afraid of driving. I don't know why or where it stems from but I hate highways. Even w gps I feel like I'm afraid I'll get lost or freak out and cause an accident. It's hard because I'm so limited when where I can drive. Anime else feel this way?

ambitiousPeach8888 February 5th, 2022

I COMPLETELY get this feeling. The day I took my permit test I had to go to the ER with my first migraine because I was so stressed about the thought of having to drive. Since then it's been about 2 years and in my early stages I had panic attacks while driving. I would involuntarily cry if someone talked to me about it. My fear stemmed from fear of getting lost or dying because I didn't trust myself. Today, I am driving around my small town every week at least to learn and I don't cry anymore. I think the key to getting better with it us learning to trust yourself, have someone you really trust with you, and time. Time adjusts you and it may help. I hope this let you know you're not alone, bc I too thought I was alone.

discreetKitten2439 June 9th, 2023

A familiar issue, unfortunately. When I gave birth to my second baby, I had some postpartum hormonal disbalance that ended up with increased anxiety. So I had issues with driving too. I live in San Francisco, so at steep hills or near the tram line I could feel a bit uncomfortable. Needed to work this thing out with a psychologist, who managed to normalize my emotional status. But she also recommended me this Link where I simply bought a car that I could trust. Do you know what I mean? When you drive a car that you can trust, and you don't expect a breakage and other 'surprises' from it, this is also helping.

powerfulEast299 July 7th, 2023

I get this to, no one understands, I feel like I’m the only one