Please help
Please help. I'm having a panic attack i think. Please help me calm down somehow.
@Caseface Hey there, breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it for 4, let it out for 4 and repeat. Deep breaths, you've got this. Focus on what your 5 basic senses, what your eyes see, your tongue tastes, nose smells, skin feels, ear hears. You can practice mindfulness exercises here too : or download these apps, Calm/ Study that do guided meditations and naturalistic music. Hope you feel better soon *hugs*
i find it helps to remember that this panic attack will pass. when you're caught up in the emotions and physical sensations it can feel like you're never going to feel calm. but try to remember that what you are feeling is temporary and it will pass.
when you feel calm again, take note of the feeling. if you experience panic attacks again in the future you can try to recall this feeling and remember how you beat it before.
hope you feel better soon!
Hi, its been a while but i hope you're doing better.