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goodPineapple5292 October 8th, 2016

Hello need help. The panic attacks consume my life. I'm on klonopin it's the only thing that works. I lost my doctor due to her moving. I have no insurance so I won't be able to get my meds. I live in Fort worth. I just don't know what to due. I have tried breathing exercises and etc. But after the panic attack last 3 hours I have to take a pill. Will someone help

goodPineapple5292 OP October 8th, 2016

@goodPineapple5292 also I'm just lost I have no family help. The free clinic here doesn't perscribed my meds. The meds are the only thing that help. I am having 2 to 5 panic attacks a day. It's like a roller coaster that won't end. That's the best I can describe it. I have tried other meds in the past they don't work along with cognitive breathe what can I do

Zebrasarcastic October 23rd, 2016


hi, I know it's been a while since you've posted, hope you're doing better.

CaringTeresa October 10th, 2016

@goodPineapple5292 First I would like to apalogize that no one got back to you sooner. We have many amazing compassionate listeners here, but we can not give advice. If you want someone to listen I am here if you need to message me (absolutely free) If not online I will respond as soon as I can. We have therapist here as well.

goodPineapple5292 OP October 10th, 2016


Hey thanks for getting back to me. Today I'm just dealing with anxiety wich isn't to bad considering the horrible panic attacks I've been having. But I will message if I need someone to talk to. I really appreciate ur time. Have an amazing day.