Other Way To Treat Panic Attacks?
![User Profile: babyangel](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/k2JneH2WjpdYl2RnVlyVnJzeX6-nfJiRlg!!.png)
Hey! I never had anxiety problem until recently. After a head trauma, I started having those panic attacks and I can't take some meds because of my head. Is there any other way to deal with them?
![User Profile: TheSirenCalledLorelei](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/memberImages/lWhsdnmXjpedlLBshVTEyA!!.jpg)
My nutritionist told me to hold interesting texture things in my hands, or ice. The ice works best for me, I hold it and it really helps to focus on and I generally calm down or at least don't self destruct. Anxiety attacks really suck, hope the meds help!
![User Profile: TheSirenCalledLorelei](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/memberImages/lWhsdnmXjpedlLBshVTEyA!!.jpg)
Misread about medication, sorry. But there are definitely ways to cope without them!
![User Profile: Clouder](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/k2hkd3aajpedlLBtiFyZmg!!.jpg)
Hi @babyangel,
There are a lot of alternatives to medication, many of which can be found in our panic attacks self help guide. These strategies include diaphragmatic breathing, deep muscle relaxation, and addressing the thoughts which are triggering the attack.
I found it really helpful to practice the strategies when I was calm (or at least not too anxious), in preparation for a panic attack. Trying to learn a new skill in the middle of a panic attack is very difficult! Practicing ahead of time makes it more likely that you'll be able to successfully employ the strategy if/when the time comes.
Good luck :)
![User Profile: remnantshadow](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/l5iSnFeUZ7FRn8fHlpOZ.jpg)
There are a lot of alternatives that don't require medication. One is to free-write. Doing gentle exercise first thing in the morning such as tai chi, yoga, or qi gong. Meditation. etc.
![User Profile: Kayleethereforyou](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/k2ppfXqcjpqdlLCXXYnHmA!!.jpg)
Hey there! It is definitely different for everyone. As someone who has experienced panic attacks myself, I have discovered yoga and or meditation really helps me! I think they are great at relaxing my mind. Have you ever thought about doing something like that?
![User Profile: gracefulAngel96](http://7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/listenerImages/k2ppdnqUjpedlLBuhoeRxw!!.jpg)
Hello babyangel!
There are a few different techniques that could help you when you're having a panic attack. There are breathing techniques involving sitting down, leaning back, and breathing deeply from your abdomen. In addition, there are some muscle relaxation techniques that can be very calming involving tensing certain muscle areas for a period of about 15-20 seconds and then releasing. Finally, there is a method called "grounding" which involves observing 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.
All of these methods are designed to help take your mind out of a panic state and redirect your thoughts to more calming, serene thoughts.
You can find additional information on panic attacks here https://www.7cups.com/panic-attacks-help-online/