Online Help - Anxiety
Hi all, so i've got anxiety issues, i'm on tablets which i want to stop eventually. I want to do this the natural way...
I've had therapy for a couple of months, my therapist helped me a lot but now says we have hit the end of our sessions.... so i'm looking for some free online cbt type treatments.... Anybody got any experience from these either good or bad, cheers
This is just my opinion. If your still struggling with anxiety and you've hit the end of you sessions.. You should still have more sessions until you feel comfortable and are on meds and can't naturally get off them. I'm going to therapy and I prefer no meds. But if I was still struggling I'd find another therapist that would work with me longer. I've read a lot of books on anxiety and there are many ways and beliefs to helping it. So it can be a long process. The thing is you'll always have anxiety it won't ever leave. But you can learn to think differently and manage it. Personally talking to someone has helped me best over any book I've read or app or website I've tried.
Thanks for the reply. Your correct the anxiety will never leave, i just now have to find the tools to manage it and live with it.. Talking did help me, my therapist was good but she thought we had come to the end (i.e. i had all the tools i now had to help myself) not that she ever said it in that way..So i'm kind of left a bit in limbo, i have these "tools" and i'm learning how to cope, it is a long job, i just feel like i need that 3 rd person to talk to (excluding family and friends)... or just some final help as i don't feel like i'm 100%...
Actually links and guiding people on this topic is what I consider to be my forte as a listener. As for online self help/CBT programs I have mixed opinions because nothing can replace human connection and emotion. I was wondering if you have ever heard of these sites though, the first is focused on depression but as there are oftenlinks it may be of use;
It may also be helpful to read accounts from those who have struggled with anxiety (I like reading Christian testimonies) but there are many secular alternatives. Or to educate yourself on the topic through reliable sources. Some people also find joininga support group to be of help. Eg.
If you are able to access this app you may find it helpful and here is some info and yes I have seen it:
I would agree though talking to someone on a long term basis can be incredibly valuable even if they are not a professional, I would wonder if you would be able to find or ask for a listener interested and able in taking on ongoing chats in addition to using the guides suggested.
For self help though it is so important to spend time learning what helpsyourather than what might help themajorityof people struggling with anxiety and that is something that simply takes time. I would wonder about music, many people have a 'calming' playlist or listen to guided imagery.
While you did not specify what type of anxiety disorder or sub-type you might struggle with and this is PTSD specific and intended for EMDRrather than CBT I thought you might find the story behind the narrators video interesting and the resource helpful as a starting point:
THats is so true. Like majority of people like to meditate and that makes my anxiety worse because I can't even shut my brain down to focus. I have to do things that wee my mind out. Like excerise or run. Or things that I use both sides of my brain like drawing or writing. Definitely find something that works for you.
Thank you for all the replies, i will work my way through some of the links.
@anxietyrob I just come across this thread and was interested to know how things are going now --- did some of the links help? I hope you have found managing things with your tools and it getting easier.
Hi, im working through mood gym at the minute, been a bit of a roller coaster, ive changed meds as they wasn't working for me, the new meds have made my anxiety worse (which i was expecting) but not so bad, i feel like im back to square one at the minute.. But i will get there, i start CBT sessions shortly.
I know I have anxiety. I know I have depression, but I don't want to tell my parents. They'll judge me. The way they look at me and treat me will be different. They already think that people with any mental disorder is "crazy". What will they think when their daughter has anxiety and depression? I can't talk to anyone about it except for my friends. I want to seek professional help but I don't know how.
Hi, i was much the same i feared i would be laughed at, and told to "man up" etc.. The first step is to go see a GP, i did this after suffering in silent for nearly 2 years.... The doc was brill he listened then put me on some meds and cbt, i'm still changing meds as the 1st ones didnt agree with . My advise is go speak to a GP, you must then tell your family, they will understand, you need support at home..... I came clean and told close friends and family, i find they understand better now, it also helped me as i thought i was going mad....
@anxietyrob I've wanted to try CBT therapy as well but I was mistakenly sent to a marriage counselor (I'm not married) and she was untrained in CBT. I had panic attacks while on an antidepressant and I got through it by practicing yoga. As soon as I recognized I was having an attack I turned on my computer and watched yoga on a channel called PsycheTruth. What I found unique about them was that they would guide viewers through the movement and also ask a question to ponder like "What do you think about tattoos?" Nothing too complex. It kept my mind and body busy. It truly did save my life. read more about this
@anxietyrob Source: