currently flipping out
hello.. ^^;
sooo last night around 11:20-ish at night, i was feeling a moderate headache coming on. nothing too crazy, but it was bothering me. so, before bed, i decided to try taking 2 ibuprofens (a little under 2 hrs after i ate, dont worry. they were those little round advils, but the off-brand kind). so i did. i took them with water. the first one? went down fine. but the second one is where i had a problem.
it got stuck in my throat.
i could still breathe, i could swallow, i could sleep-- i was TOTALLY fine. i just felt this constant nagging feeling that it was STILL in there. i drank a bunch of water between when it happened and before i went to sleep, it was STILL THERE. and when i woke up this morning? I STILL feel it. i wouldve told my mom but she always gets mad at me/freaks out when i have any sort of symptoms so i didnt. i didnt anticipate this happening. i'm pretty scared since everywhere ive tried to get answers keeps mentioning throat ulcers and stuff and dont know what to do at this point, and this pill is still chillin in my esophagus :(