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Random thoughts

User Profile: ram7474
ram7474 June 6th, 2023

Do you ever wake up and your body just decides that you’re abruptly anxious today?no triggers, you just have to spend the next week or so worrying and overthinking and having fast heartbeats over nothing?Is it just me? If it happens to anyone how do you guys deal with it?

User Profile: RicardoAbreu
RicardoAbreu June 6th, 2023

Yeah been through that ? What do you enjoy doing in your daily basis

User Profile: thoughtfulmomma
thoughtfulmomma June 7th, 2023


I'm sorry I didn't see this post, because I just posted about this exact issue. It's a very real, terrible struggle.

User Profile: CDK1972
CDK1972 June 7th, 2023

I had it a lot of times. I just try to stay busy, walk etc. mine eventually goes away for awhile. Then when I get it again I know what to expect. Sometimes I’ll have to take a small dose of Klonopin