Random anxiety attack
I’ve all of a sudden started feeling really anxious and I’ve just started crying and for what reason I have no idea.. I’m just playing and talking to my girlfriend and then all of a sudden got upset.. I hate when this happens, I thought I’d post to see if it’ll help get it out. I just feel really overwhelmed and sad all in one and my breathing went funny. 😢😢 I’m with my partner and she’s making me comfortable and I’m concentrating on the tv show we’ve got on right now and I’m going to cuddle her.. hoping this will calm me down. I’ll keep you all updated.. 😢🥺❤️
hoping you're doing okay! sending strength and calming energy 💗
Hey, that sounds scary.
A panic attack is a mild aerobic workout for your heart. You are not in danger.
So when you feel those unwanted feelings you can do the following:
- Say hello to these familiar unwelcomed feelings, that’s just the way you are feeling right now.
- Do something physical to get your oxygen levels back to normal ( running on the spot, climbing stairs, jumping jacks etc.)
- Short breath in, long breath out.
Put your hands on your stomach, breathe in and see your stomach inflate like a ballon, do a count of 7 for example and then breathe out counting to 11 slowly.
Find the comfortable count for you but make sure the breath in is shorter than the breath out. ( What this is doing is activating the parasympathetic nerve to release a natural substance into your body which will make you feel calmer). Do it with your partner, it’s a great tool to use anytime when you need to feel calmer.