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I feel like crying from inside, but not able to cry, what should I do?

frankTurtle651 February 11th, 2023

Hey there,

I am very emotional personal since childhood. From several days I feel like no one can understand my feeling. but I tried emotional contorl. I control the things that hurt me, or will make me cry. But now i am not able to cry since many days. & I think I was doing wrong. Keeping emotions inside doesn't help me to forget & grow. I feel sad many times & literally wanted to cry (in alone) to release my emotions & feel relaxed. What should I do??

fruityPond7887 February 15th, 2023

@frankTurtle651 Hello! I hope you are doing okay. I understand that it must be frustrating when you want to cry and you can't. Crying can be a great form of self-care! Have you considered therapy? Talking about your past may help resurface these feelings and start the healing process. Journaling is another great method to work through these feelings. We also have many great Listeners that can help you work through any feelings that you are going through. I hope this helps and I am wishing you well! ❤️

Mdreaming101 February 17th, 2023

when I feel sad but find it hard to cry I watch a sad movie or something super sad and cry myself out. It’s a great way to allow yourself to feel and an excuse when other ask why you’re crying.

DhruvH February 19th, 2023

@frankTurtle651 Hi there, sorry to here you're going through this, and well done for asking for help.

I would say it's important to not pressure yourself if you can't cry. Crying is a valid and recommended form of care, so it's also important that if you cry it's because you feel like you can, not because you think it's an arbitrary step to feel better. If you find yourself crying naturally, and you feel it helps, then well done! But if you do cry and you think you didn't cry for long enough, that's ok as well.

Crying is complicated but essentially, don't pressure yourself and (if you do cry) don't feel bad if you don't immediately feel better as expected. Also would recommend other coping mechanisms if you feel crying isn't helping- such as talking to someone here to *vent* or doing an exercise to either distract yourself or get through your emotions.

Help this helps 😊

frankTurtle651 OP February 19th, 2023


I think you are right. Your answers really helped me.

I felt that I am not alone in this journey. Thanks a lot.