Excessice overthinking
Im constantly overthinking about every little thing that happens in friendships.. Ik what is wrong and what is right but i hv no one to tell me exactly what i should be doing in a situation Ike this...even if a person who doesn't know me or i dont if that person just says something that hurts or looks at me i keep thinking about it idk why it distracts me i feel like crying.. Ik i shoukdnt be thinking sm about people who dont matter to me.. Theres a girl in my class she behaves weird nowadays talks less shes my frnd but not so close ki it should matter to me this is just one situation .. Idk how to overcome this i dk how to stop thinking idk why i care if someone doesn't talk properly even if that person doesn't mean anything to me
i cnt even explain how it feels to constantly have something in my mind im really tired of making scenarios worrying about things that doesn't matter and that too knowing that it doesnt matter. It feels suffocating because my mind cannot stop thinking even if i try hard, it kills me my energy from inside, at times on a scale of 100 my anxiety levels are 100 just because of this panic attacks, tears, thoughts due to Overthinking just keep circling my mind feels as if i am trapped.
it drains me out so much
@nidhi16 It is natural for humans to scan their social environment and try to decide who is friend or foe or if thy will be accepted or rejected by the group. This evaluation can happen in a split second and doesn’t matter if we know the person or will never see them ever again. I once saw someone drive by me on the freeway and flip me off for zero reason. I was angry and kept imagining ramming their car. I remembered that incident 10 years later and was still mad. Stupid right? No. That’s just how the mind works sometimes and how important the mind thinks other people are important in our lives. So, don’t be surprised if some girl you don’t know gives you a look and your mind starts processing it, BUT also realize that she might not even be looking AT you but just in your general direction. EVEN if she is looking at you, she doesn’t know you so her opinion of you is HER problem. When you notice you are starting to overthink, stop right there, don’t waste your time. If it’s a close friendship then let yourself think about it A BIT, but you’ll have to realize your overthinking isn’t going to keep you safe. There are risks in social situations. Period. But they are almost never anywhere near what our brains make them out to be.
@nidhi16 wow i actually have a very very similar problem im going threw right now. i’m stuck on a girl who does not see me that way. we had a beautiful dinner the other night and we had some laughs but my insecurities are threw the roof and all i can rem and the embarrassing moments. my last relationship was a very long time so this is the first time i even had dinner with a friend since my breakup last year. it’s all just too much on my mind. all i wanna do is chill and have fun with my friend. but my insecurities are too bad and she frfr doesn’t care about that. so i feel like im on the outside with her now