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Anxious and depressed.

CDK1972 December 28th, 2022

Anyone else focus on their breathing to much to wear it freaks them out? I know I can breathe but I’ll work myself up to where it seems like an elephant is on my chest. It goes away but can get scary and annoying.

fruityPond7887 January 7th, 2023

@CDK1972 Hi! I really understand what you are feeling. Sometimes I focus too much on my breathing and my chest can become tight. It's scary! But remember that you are never alone and if you feel like you should get it checked out, you can always see a doctor just to make sure everything is good! ❤️

sailormoon97 January 14th, 2023

I usually will experience an anxiety attack and focus on my breathing and heartbeat too much and it freaks me out even more. I fear that I'll stop breathing or my heart will stop beating. It is scary.

CDK1972 OP January 14th, 2023

@sailormoon97 Hi. I hear that. Mine is usually more of I know I can breathe but I can’t take that deep breathe that feels comfortable. It eventually goes away but I over concentrate on my breathing. It gets scary but usually more annoying than anything until it passes. I know it’s part of the anxiety and depression that’s going on and it will pass. I’m reading some books (10 best anxiety management techniques and Feeling Good) trying to get some coping skills to go along with the meds. I’m here if you need to chat. 😊

sailormoon97 January 14th, 2023

It's difficult for me to take deep breaths through the anxiety even though I hear it helps. I just remain tense. Again it's that fear that stops me from relaxing and deep breathing.

CDK1972 OP January 14th, 2023

@sailormoon97 That’s funny you say that because a lot of stuff we read about anxiety and the way to calm it are breathing techniques and here we are like well that’s what’s screwing with us. Well I firmly believe, even if with help with meds, we will conquer this thing and probably with the use of breathing techniques. I finally made an appointment with a psychologist for the first time in 7 years. I have my second appointment on Monday.

sailormoon97 January 14th, 2023

I'm happy for you. I hope everything goes well.

sailormoon97 January 14th, 2023

My sister sent me a book called 5-minute stress relief 75 exercises to quiet your mind and calm your body.

CDK1972 OP January 14th, 2023

I might have to look into that one. Walking helps a lot for me. Didn’t today because of the rain but maybe I’ll try to squeeze in a small one when it stops