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Anti Anxiety Toolbox

Sueperu August 1st

Anti Anxiety Toolbox

Supporting Information to Maintain The Art of Ignoring


Healing and wellness is accomplished with a holistic approach. It is not one size fixes all kind of thing. Using the anxiety tools in combinations works wonders to provide holistic and sustainable healing.


So here are some supporting tips to help you maintain ignoring those pesky anxious thoughts and symptoms:


1.       Be mindful that when you first start practising ignoring, it doesn’t mean the anxious thoughts and symptoms will be gone. So you will be ignoring while the symptoms are still there.

But keep ignoring despite your pounding heart, your twisting tummy or whatever your anxiety symptoms are.


Remember that is what ignoring is all about. Going about your day with those symptoms. (In the beginning. Always remember that they are going to fade as you keep ignoring).



2.       Something that helps with ignoring anxiety is this:

We often think of anxiety as paralysing. As if we can’t move. We just want to lie there motionless.

But we CAN move. Anxiety does not paralyse us.

Try this the next time your in the throes of anxiety:

Firstly ignore the symptoms. Yes they’re there but you’re choosing to ignore them. Then remind yourself that you can move, you can continue with whatever you were doing before anxiety struck.

So try moving a toe. We can move a toe.

Try moving your foot. We can move our foot.

Try standing up. Try waving your hands about


If you were at your computer, try typing a letter. We can type a letter. We can type a word. One word. We can do that while we are feeling anxious. We’ll find we can even type a full sentence. While we felt I am so anxious I can’t type this document or this email, we can at least type a line. And once you start, you’ll find that you can type way more than just one line. Perhaps a page.


We can continue our day with anxiety. (And remember as we go along, the anxiety is going to fade away).


The ignoring and getting on with our tasks has a three-fold benefit:

1.       It shows us that we are NOT paralysed by anxiety. We can, in fact, do what we want to do

2.       It signals to our brain that we are fine to continue with our day. Which breaks the neurological anxiety loop and helps fade the fight-or-flight mechanism.

3.       It empowers us. By moving a toe or a limb or typing a line or continuing a task, it proves to us that we CAN continue our day and be productive despite anxiety. And we start to break the hold anxiety has over us.


Watch for: Further tools to kick anxiety to the curb and live our best lives


We got this guys. To a free, light and bright future.
Gettingbettertoday August 1st


There is a problem with the premise. I do in fact become literally paralyzed and an unable to do anything including speaking. It is even difficult to form a thought. This may persist and long as the threat is present but sometime much longer.