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New thread

bubbleTown7508 January 11th, 2023

I don't know what I am doing most of the time, I think that a free write project is proven to be more difficult than chatting with another person.

I guess all I can allow myself to do this morning is to ask the bigger questions how do you feel on the scale for instance.

Let us put our emotions on the scale no pressure as this proves to be the total amount of what makes us diagnosed clinically.

This thread is about you if you are experiencing trouble figuring out some things about yourself feel free to ask me anything that includes how to erase the sadness and bring in the light which can be seen other places and not always at the end because that would mean the beginnings of something special.

Example, you are having a good mood and then somebody brings up I'll news, that can't be good so what you do is just take a step back and remember that these things can grow a root and build up inside their hosts that's all I am willing to share but you can imagine the intensity of the mental breakdown as it is known on our cellular devices.

professionalVision2624 January 15th, 2023


Hello there! What a wonderful and compassionate post! I'm sure there are many people here who will feel happy after reading this post, I certiantly did, since you are spreading positivity by caring and letting other people use your thread for venting!

If you feel like you need to talk to someone you can always browse the listening page here:

aasabedom3 August 29th

I miss her... it's hurtful