Help with feeling unloveable
I’m assuming it’s anxiety and I know it’s probably in my head but how can I convince myself of that when the people around me including the people I live with (I’m in foster care) act like they wouldn’t give a shite if I die.
im tired of always having to initiate things to get any type of love back, things like a hug or saying I love you.
and it’s not like they struggle with that or they are uncomfortable I’ve lived there a year now and they used to initiate it and they are nice but it feels like they are getting tired of me.
what can I do
@amiableHuman8130 hey sweetie ❤ you are definitely lovable ❤ as parents/foster parents. We sometimes loose track, or possibly take it for granted. The little important things like I love you or a simple hug. You need to remind them that you still need that. Once you bring it up once to them, I guarantee they will never forget to do that again. ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ anyone who comes into or as been in your life, should count them selves lucky to know someone like you ❤
It is NOT you ... this happens to many i remember going to a friends house and their family was much more freely telling each other or showing in hugs and such.... we were not huggers in my house ....i spoke to my friend and they shared that "people forget or let slip by moments where a hug a simple telling someone you love or appreciate them ......"
you said they did at the first of you being there ... what was your reaction?
when welcomed into a family through marriage they were very free in saying love you or hugs etc and i acted uncomfortable (i guess) ... as it slowly faded around me ... because they misunderstood that it was not that i disliked the displays of affection but it seemed foreign to me.... so i was needing to adapt but before i did adapt ..they pulled back to make me feel more comfortable ........ could your situation be something like that?