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randomdude34 December 5th, 2023

If you are reading this with anxiety, you know it’s given you some of the toughest battles of your life. You know you also want to defeat it. But anxiety is a worthy opponent. Anxiety comes for everyone at some point. 

Acknowledge it. Honor it. Close your eyes. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

Now, go into the mirror. Look at yourself dead in the eye. Shout your last name 3 times as loud as you can.

You know anxiety’s power. But you also know your own. Now is the time, to DEFEAT it. 🗿🗿🗿

Tinywhisper11 December 5th, 2023

@randomdude34 thanks for the encouragement ❤❤ I'm always striving to perhaps not defeat my problem s but learn to live alongside them ❤❤