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Transition Support Prompt #2: How do you plan to prioritize your well-being as you become an adult?

ASilentObserver August 22nd, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

Last week we discussed: What are your biggest fears and concerns about transitioning from being a teenager to an adult? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.

This week's prompt: How do you plan to prioritize your well-being as you become an adult?

This week I want us to reflect and explore the importance of self-care and mental health. Let's get started and all thoughts are welcomed!

Also, you can request a Transitioning Mentor to support and guide you as well!


politePeach9642 August 28th, 2023


Well one thing is to get enough sleep.

ASilentObserver OP August 28th, 2023

@politePeach9642 Getting enough sleep is so important for well-being. What else do you feel would help you take care of yourself as you become an adult? It is wonderful that you are focused on prioritizing your health and happiness.

politePeach9642 August 28th, 2023


I must’ve misread the question, because I’m already an adult, lol, but if I can go back, I would definitely tell myself to get more sleep.

Another thing I would tell myself would be to take a power nap instead of binge eating in front of the tv when I came home tired from school.

ASilentObserver OP August 29th, 2023

@politePeach9642 It sounds like getting more rest and avoiding late night binges would have served you well. Those are good steps. You're aware of what works best for your well-being, and that self-knowledge will continue to support you as you take good care of yourself.