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What is your most recent victory?

easyScarf7950 August 20th

I challenge you to think of something you accomplished as part of your personal growth. It doesn't have to seem big!

Today I followed through on my recent decision to reach out to at least one different friend that I normally only "talk" to in *** comments.

BlueDarkAurora August 20th

@easyScarf7950 Reaching out can be hard especially if it's been a while. So glad you did it ^-^ <3 I hope you keep finding many such victories everyday. 

A recent victory for me is that I'm keeping my thoughts in check. It's easy to let yourself go with the flow of the negative ones that show up constantly but we have to counter it with something positive :) 

easyScarf7950 OP August 20th

Yay! Rumination used to be such a struggle for me, too!

BlueDarkAurora August 21st

@easyScarf7950 Seems like you've found ways to not let yourself get caught up <3 :) 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 20th

I was productive at the library today! I could have been lazy, but I chose to draw 2 homemade Christmas cards instead <3

BlueDarkAurora August 23rd

@jesusredeemedme2425 Are you giving them away? Very thoughtful ^^

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

I am! I make 300+ cards every year. Not all are drawn, but all homemade <3

BlueDarkAurora August 23rd

@jesusredeemedme2425 that's cool, I'm sure they are very much appreciated!

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd

They really are… Some people say it’s the only card they get every year. :(

BlueDarkAurora August 23rd

@jesusredeemedme2425 aw I'm so glad that you're doing it for all those people<3 Atleast they have you and I hope you have so many supportive and kind people just like yourself in your life always<3 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 23rd


Awwww thank you <3

aCalmOasis 3 hours ago


I would say that my most recent victory entails having more of a presence here on 7 cups. I graded the internship in September with honors and then took on two leadership roles right away. One is forum moderation here within the ADHD sub-community and the other is internship mentor although I am still in a trial phase for that role. All in all it has been a lot of growth for me over these past three months.