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Not coping well.

CastorDarkHeart October 4th, 2017

I'm heavily debating going back on meds for my ADD.

I have bad issues with motivation. There's so many things I want to and need to do and all I can find myself doing is sitting and watching youtube or chatting with people etc. I've been doing writing prompts for october/halloween things figuring forcing myself to do one a day would help me get back into my writing and I can't seem to finish day 3. I'm getting frustrated with myself and with working as a paraprofessional at a preschool my days are tiring as hell and I feel overwhelmed by the lack of free time after school for myself. That's leaving me with again more lack of motivation to get things done. I hate it and I wish I didn't have to deal with this any more.

Sandipie July 26th, 2020

@CastorDarkHeart I TOTALLY get how you are feeling. Some days I can barely produce the work I need to do, even with meds. One thing that held me is a free website called Focus mate. You sign up for a 50 minute stint and Zoom on mute for that time. I also do sessions through an ADHD coach called focused with Kristen Carder. Good luck!!

healingWhisper June 24th, 2020


Thank you for sharing this here. Hopefully by now you are feeling better :)

pcseeya June 25th, 2020

@CastorDarkHeart I think that if the meds helped you you should go back on them because they help me.