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Adhd + work accommodations

braveDog6581 May 15th, 2023


What accommodations have you been able to request at work to help manage your ADHD and stay productive ?

Have you requested an accommodation that was denied?

purplelady568 May 15th, 2023

@braveDog6581 oh this is a great question!

I dont have ADHD myself, but I work with students, many of whom are neuro-divergent and have IEPs. So, some of the ideas I would have, as far as work accommodations, might look like: shortened work hours, more frequent breaks, asking to NOT multi-task, but complete one thing at a time, creating a certain time of day in which you are not interrupted, using notifications/timers/reminders, or having a script to utilize in certain situations.

If you (or others) are looking for more ideas about how to best use accommodations in the workplace, this site seems quite informative -

Also, I have not ever heard of a workplace accommodation being denied - but I guess that is something you would need to take up with an HR manager.

cafedaydreams June 3rd, 2023

I am not aware of any specific workplace accommodations where I personally work, but I'm sure if I say something about needing some my bosses wouldn't mind giving them (they're pretty cool).

However, there are small things I request my coworkers do that helps my brain out a lot, and that is...if they have more than one thing they'd like me to do, I ask them to repeat the requests a second time. So far this hasn't been an issue with them.