ADHD meds and insomnia?
So, I am diagnosed with ADHD, and recently (like two months ago), my doctor raised the dosis of my medication. It's great, I can focus and do my tasks without a lot of trouble, I feel very productive and motivated. The problem is that I have been constantly having sleep problems. Sometimes, I don't sleep at all at night, it makes me so tired and frustrated :(
I need to start exercising during the day, because I feel like that will drain some of that extra energy off. Other than that, I've been trying to have a night routine that consists of a warm shower, self-care and petting my bunny (she's the best). But I just don't manage to sleep, it's like my brain won't turn off.
Any advices? Anyone with similar experiences to share? I'm open to anything 😅
Hello! Yes I’ve noticed and experienced this as well! When I raised it with my doc, she prescribed something minimal to help sleep for the first 5-7 days. Just enough for the body to catch up with the added dosage.
Another thing that’s worked for me is slowing down HOURS before bed. I start with drinking lavender/chamomile tea. No gadgets after this. A simple 20 minute yoga session followed by 15-20 minutes of Breathwork and meditation right before sleeping. This works so well for me.
If all this sounds like its too much, i do something high energy like dancing to a fast beat song or a brisk walk or skipping for 5 minutes!
Hope this helps!
Hi Nak! Thanks so much for the tips!
I guess one problem that I have is that I must be active during the night, since I teach classes until like 10 pm. So that is likely contributing to my brain not being able to stop and rest, there isn't a lot of time between work and going to bed :(
I'll try to leave a cup of tea on my desk, so that I can start drinking it as I finish teaching my classes.
@justahistorian It's something you'd need to ask about with a doctor/nurse practitioner. Sometimes people find that the medication actually helps them sleep, for others it's more difficult. If you let them know that you're struggling to sleep, they might be able to adjust your dosage to help you. Good luck!
I read your story when you got diagnosed at 29years old, I am the exact same! I felt relief as it was the first time I really felt understood in this life, but at the same time frustration as it was such aate diagnosis and this adhd has been problematic for years now. I'm still scared to take meds, what is your experience with medication? Thanks in advance!
I have adhd and have never had problems sleeping. My whole family has adhd. And I learned theese tricks very young by my mom.
1. Do not let your brain get bored. The brain is so anyoying while bored and will not shut up. But if brain has to much fun it will be anoying too. So find an activity that is the right amount of borring. Here are some examples from myself and friends:
- sodoku
- crossword
- reading (but only if you dont really like it. Of the book is to good then it wont work)
- documentary about something somewhat borring. The best once are slow and monotone. Just like the once in class when you get so tired.
- just in general videos of thkngs where it does not matter if you miss out on 5min to 1 hour. Like a playthrough of a game you have finished. But without loud comments.
2. Dont try to sleep until the right time. I call I waiting for the sleep train. For me it is like this: I am not tired the i start feeling it and then i have to get in to bed and get comfortable before the train passes. If this happens before cleaning of makeup or brushing teeth, the I just skip it. When the sleep train comes it comes and it does not wait. Then I have to surf the wave in to dreamland.
3. Dont stress about not sleeping. If you cant sleep then dont. Stessing about sleeping will not make you tired. So it is better thinking about how you can manage one less sleep if necessary. And things will be ok anyway. Its more about and optimal and less optimal situation. Not good and bad.
4. Dont go to bed hungry.
5. No playing games 1 hour before bed. I know people say no screens, but i have a blue light filter. But playing games will make me not notice when i get tired.
6. Routines blah blah blah.
Hope this helps.
Disclaimer: I know I dont struggle with sleep so I might not understand the issue and this is just all wrong. But on the other hand I was thought to deal by someone with adhd and have 37 years experience with not haveing sleep problems because of this. Maybe it is because of these strategies and maybe it will help someone else. If not, then I am sorry for butting in on a problem i dont have.
I know this may seem weird but I have the exact same thing happen to me. I got a routine of working out 2 hours before bed then taking hot shower. I felt even more awake after all of it. I was then told that hot showers can actually make you less tired cause it raises your internal body temperature which needs to be lower when sleeping. So I started taking cold showers which was terrible at first but it helped me at least. I also started taking a 10 and 1 melatonin supplement found on Amazon which helped me also. I hope this may help a little. Sleep problems can be stressful but make sure to not stress.
Hi! Check out the app "Insight Timer". There are a bunch of sleep meditations, sleep/white noise sounds, etc. The meditations work best for me as I too have a LOT of problems being able to shut my brain off and just go to sleep (meanwhile my fiancé is passed out in 30 seconds of hitting the pillow!). Hopefully you find something that can help! ð«¶