ADHD Friend Searching
I want to find some friends like me with ADHD. I was diagnosed maybe 2ish years ago, and haven’t struggled greatly, but I still have a hard time sometimes. Anyhow anyone want to be friends?
Hi AdaMae, welcome to the ADHD sub-community! I am the forum moderator here. If you have any questions about anything or just want to message me to chat, feel free to do so. I hope you enjoy your time here on 7 cups. :)
Me me me
I too have adhd, 23 but diagnosed 6 months ago. Feel free to DM me!!!
Hey I’m undiagnosed, but experience a lot of ADHD traits. always here to meet like minds :)
I find that being authentic when I’m out and thinking or focusing on something that makes me smile will attract like minded (literally) people, and that’s beautiful. Even as a person who’s struggled with anxiety, identity, and social interaction, I’ve never had to force or feel like I was working towards making a friend. I’m kind of just tolerable of a lot of different types of people and I give others the time of day. Of course, don’t be naive about it- everyone’s interests aren’t great but- I give the benefit of the doubt always because you never know. People with ADHD tend to have a solid radar 🤣
I’m 52 and just found out that I am on the spectrum with ADHD. The therapist said that I muscled through the issues to basically be “normal”. Now I’m a little more confident that I’m on the right path. It’s baby steps that will help you make it everyday. It’s not a sprint it’s more like a triathlon. To quote a children’s song “Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you will be walking the door”
I want to be friends!!
I am here for you I complete understand the struggles you face especially in the dynamic of finding friends maybe we can be friends