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ADHD and Binge Eating Disorder

gecko1287 May 21st, 2023

I have Binge Eating Disorder and ADHD, and bOYYYYY do these two really bring out the worst in one another

I took Vyvanse for a year, it's the newest amphetamine they prescribe for ADHD and the FDA approved it for BED (Binge Eating Disorder) in 2015 so I thought it would be really helpful to me. Honestly though I am so terrified of the long term effects of taking these amphetamines, it scared the *** out of me and I stopped taking it. And now I cannot remember if I was doing better then or now. At first it was pretty awesome but I think the effects didn't hit as hard over time and I was very nervous to up the dosage because I was so uncomfortable taking any medication in the first place.

I think it's also an ego thing, I'm a little embarrassed to say. I just hate the idea that I might "need" any substance to function. I would like to think I'm in control, even though both of my mental illnesses are characterized by a lack of control over basic tasks, so go figure.

I know I'm not special, and that others struggle with the same wacky combo. I feel you and I hope we can figure it out, because it really sucks sometimes and for me personally I am worried my symptoms have gotten worse.

VioletSpringGlade May 28th, 2023

Hi @gecko1287 !

I can understand those two bringing out the worst in each other. Do you have other strategies to manage BED and/or ADHD symptoms? BED CBT and learning emotion regulation strategies can help, among other things.

Did you have side effects from the medication or was it solely worry about long term side effects? I didn't know it is used for BED also.

I think that is pretty common, to think we should be able to do it alone without medication. But sometimes medication is pretty helpful.

It can help to write down your symptoms each day, so that it makes it easy to look back and see changes in starting/stopping medication.

anonyClementine2627 July 18th, 2023

I also have ADHD and BED. I have taken Vyvanse for several years now. It helps me with ADHD but doesn't really help me with BED. I still binge at night all the time.