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cl0s3tm0th April 14th, 2021

Masterbation and such. First and foremost it’s ruining my life cause I can’t seem to stop and it’s always on my mind. I am a female btw. I am also religious so I feel extra bad whenever I do it because it is considered a “sin” so theres that. When I don’t masterbate for a couple days I get irritable and annoyed easier then after I do I feel so much lighter ya know. The longest I’ve gone without doing it is honestly like 4 days which is sad. I get like an urge that goes through my whole body that just ends up consuming me. Sigh I don’t know what to do anymore or how to stop.

Goodturtle77 April 15th, 2021

You should keep fasts. It helps everyone

April 15th, 2021

Hello there! I am a Christian Listener who can talk to you if you would like. I’ve been using a program called “Setting Captives Free” which has what they call a purity boot camp. It is a free online program that focuses on three essential principles: denying the flesh, walking by the spirit, and washing at the cross daily. I recommend that you take the course. I’ve been take the course for a relatively short period of time, and I feel Christ setting me free from my addiction. Once again, I am a Christian Listener, so if you ever want to talk privately about such struggles you can always message me. I have experienced similar battles against impurity and I continue to. Know that god is with you and is here to set you free as long as you keep pursuing him. God bless you! Setting Captives Free Purity Bootcamp:

Jesuslovesme21 April 16th, 2021

Hey, if it’s any consolation, I have the same situation as you. (I’m a male tho) it is an awful feeling and I can relate, your not alone.

vicky1505 April 20th, 2021

Yh feel the same way too. It's hard dealing with it but we'll get through it.