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Sexting and porn when stressed

whoajeff September 29th, 2021

hey I am struggling with a sexual addiction. I am sex positive and don’t think sex is a sin or bad, but

i flee to it whenever Im stressed. I call it an addiction because i can be firmly telling myself not to and list out every reason i do not want to engage, and then any single thought about sex leads me down the path again. I end up sexting a ton of people for waaaay too long. It gets in the way of my day big time. I feel ashamed after and go “why the f did even do that?? AGAIN?” and feel horrible for awhile. Can anyone relate? Even a “youre valid” comment will help. Im afraid I’ll escalate to unsafe sex or something because i just do not listen to myself when im in that mode. Luckily talking about it more has been a big help

Kay600 September 29th, 2021

Hi ^^ I just wanted to say that I have done that stuff too and trust me I know how it feels to think back on it and think, “tf why did I do that?” It happens to a lot of teens (especially adults) so just know that it’s valid. You’re valid. I know one major reason why I did it was stress. So I’d procrastinate by sexting. Maybe talk to someone about your stresses or even meditate. And I know that meditating sounds lame (I thought that at first) but it really helps. I hope I made you feel a little better^^

whoajeff OP September 29th, 2021

Thanks so much. I feel better knowing im not alone. I will get more into meditating, hopefully see my thinking better 🙌

holdingtohope September 29th, 2021

Your experience and feelings are totally valid and I do relate to sexting as a coping mechanism, or sex in general as a way to cope with negative emotions, get the attention and care I need, etc.

And watching Porn when I’m sad for way too long when I’m sad about a specific person or a topic that is too overwhelming.

This doesn’t make you a “bad” person.

I hope you can find other ways to cope and that you find peace and happiness.

Sending hugs 🤗

whoajeff OP September 29th, 2021

Thank you! That’s reaffirming 🤗 to know anyone can rely on things like porn/sexting when things are too heavy sometimes. Makes me feel less isolated and more likely to rework myself

limePrune7069 September 30th, 2021

I can relate, I actually left a dating app a couple of minutes ago where I was sexting. I wonder sometimes if that could escalate. For the moment it is just virtual but I sometimes think about actually dating and it frightens me strangely. Have you guys gone through that feeling as well? I feel that as long as it is virtual it is kind of ok, just a coping mechanisms as you were saying.