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Sex Addicted and Cheating

I am newly 18 and have been struggling with hypersexuality and sex addiction since i was 13 (5 years). When i was 12 i experienced some sexual trauma with a family member and following shortly thereafter i became obsessed with sex and ***. I got into multiple relationships just for the sex and even though i was very emotionally connected to those people after the intensity of the relationships would start to diminishi would begin flirting and touching other people trying to find someone new. I have almost no friends left due to me either attempting to or successfully having sex with them. My current partner is amazing and i love them but i dont know how to stop myself from seeking out sex or sexual gratification from others whether in person or online. 

aren60 August 30th

Hi! It’s important to acknowledge that what you’re going through is deeply connected to the trauma you experienced, and it’s not something you have to deal with alone. Seeking out therapy, especially with a focus on trauma and addiction, could really help you understand and manage these urges. Openly communicating with your current partner about your struggles might help them support you through this. Building healthier coping mechanisms and finding non-sexual ways to connect with others can also make a difference. Remember, healing is a process, and it’s okay to ask for help along the way.

happyhuffman August 31st

It sounds like you haven't fully accepted what happened to you by that family member. Sometimes we need to tell others the impact they made on us. Or do an empty chair technique?

Tommy1971 August 31st

Your story sounds similar to mine except the trauma was neglect. I read a book called No More Mr Nice Guy that opened my eyes to this and Im trying a 12 step group

FightingBuffalo September 5th


Could you please summarize a book or the lesson you have learnt.

Tommy1971 September 5th

Yes, it’s not about how to be an ***, but rather understanding how being neglected, abused or unloved as a child can develop a guy who isn’t confident and doesn’t know how to love himself, so he chases love and sex from women. And how to develop self-love and courage