I am 18 year old female, Please help me to stop my worries about masturbation.
I think i am addicted to masturbation, pleasee help me to over come it. My mental health suffer because of this, i am the only one who suffering this? Pleasee help meee, pleaseee message me.
The book (overcoming sex addiction a self halp guide ) is so good it contains 2 chapters. The first chapter explain what is addiction and some terms related to it. The second part is 10 weeks programme ( contain one task every week ) to help you quit addiction. It will help you to understand the truth of addiction and will help you how to deal with it
You can download the book from this link https://eg1lib.org/book/3519283/99e313
Another thing I want to tell you that the best way to quit a bad habit is to replace it with another good one This course (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE_vQWWxgaiED3B2gbKWzXItVNIQErstT ) helped me a lot to replace my addiction with a good habit
The last thing I want to tell you is that the journey of quitting addiction is difficult. There are some times you will relapse. But every time you relapse you should return again to the the track of recovery. It is also good to have someone to support you because recovering alone maybe difficult.
Not the only one worrying about it, sometimes it's okay but excessively its just a waste of time but what can we do if not that, yeah it's hard, but like above has been said replace a bad habit with a good one it's a good option, for me it's been trying to whenever Im about to masturbate Im an artist so i just grab my sketchbook and draw anything, helps me practice and keeps me from masturbating excessively, one might fall back yes, but we must avoid it the next time, just to see that there's really no point in it and just quick pleasure, i believe in you ❤️