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User Profile: glamn00dles
glamn00dles March 6th, 2021

Hey there! Is this the appropriate category if someone is suffering from not having any sex at all and dealing with celibacy? It might sound hilarious but it isn't. Am i addicted to not having sex or what? I was raped but I still desire being with MEN!

I would appreciate any kind of help ...


User Profile: chikinnugget
chikinnugget March 6th, 2021


Hey, I think it's super brave of you to post this and I don't think it's hilarious. While I don't have much personal experience there are times I felt asexual (which is what it is called - if you wanted to look up some help online look at asexuality). I had also dated a guy who claimed he was asexual which I honestly can understand. He loved me, loved spending time with me, and really truly cared about me and my happinness but was not very intrigued by sex itself. I don't think anything is wrong with you and it is perfectly okay to be asexual. It is just a difference in sexuality and everyone has got their own differences in this area.

People may not want sex but they still have the emotional and spiritual connection in love and that is just as important if not more important than sexual intimacy. There are other ways to be intimate with your partner :)

Along with celibacy, my sister isn't religious but she is celibate and I never really questioned it. If that is what you want and are comfortable with I think any respectful partner that truly loves you will respect that decision of yours.

Wish you the best and feel free to message me :)