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NEW - Addiction Support Automated Taglist
by tommy
Last post
July 8th
...See more Welcome to the NEW Addiction Support Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 1st July (updated by @tommy)
Been addicted for over a decade
by SuperMog7
Last post
20 hours ago
...See more I've been addicted to porn and masterbation for over a decade now. I've watched all kinds of videos, pictures, and even stories of various things. I've been *** every day, sometimes more than once a day. It's been interrupting my life and my realationship. My reward system in my brain is fried, I have desetisation and damage to my groin. I've given myself PIED. I don't have a support system besides my wife. She knows and is encouraging me to seek help besides myself, white-knuckling this addiction. I've been clean for almost a week, but the urges are daily. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
Sex sex sex
by ariellmt
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Oh sweet beautiful sex. It's always and I mean ALWAYS on my mind. Generally speaking this isn't too much of an issue for me personally. I make sex jokes, think about sex, masterbate alot. Alot. Doesn't bother me. So long as I'm getting some. But I'm in a relationship where we have no sex. We haven't in over a month. It's affecting everything in my life. I'm over eating, I'm depressed, my self esteem is down, I'm masterbating 2x as much, I can't concentrate on most things, at least without significant effort to clear my head and focus. And I'm being a massive C*NT to everyone. I've had people tell me my attitude has gotten really bad. My mom literally tells me I need to go get laid so I'll calm tf down. I'm literally laying in bed with my boyfriend right now and before I opened this app I was looking at vibrators so I can go do curbside pickup on my way home. I can't think about shit else. It physically hurts when I'm turned on. I'm getting very bored with my toys and honestly I'm worried I'm gonna end up hurting myself in order to keep it interesting. Last week I actually passed out from choking myself during masterbation. (This isn't something I'd normally do during masterbation but I'm just so bored) I'm not sure what to do. I'm not a cheater, I've left relationships before because we didn't have enough sex and I'm trying really hard not to keep doing that. Not to leave, not to cheat and every day it just gets harder. What do you do in this situation?
Am I weird for feeling like this?
by Azvamath
Last post
September 10th
...See more For context I am 13 at the moment and have been exposed to porn for over two years now. I feel like I matured much faster because of it and can't look at myself in the same way as before anymore. I wonder if any other young teenagers have been exposed to pornography from such a young age and what can I do to stop my addiction of watching porn almost daily?
Sex Addicted and Cheating
by resourcefulGrapefruit8213
Last post
September 5th
...See more I am newly 18 and have been struggling with hypersexuality and sex addiction since i was 13 (5 years). When i was 12 i experienced some sexual trauma with a family member and following shortly thereafter i became obsessed with sex and ***. I got into multiple relationships just for the sex and even though i was very emotionally connected to those people after the intensity of the relationships would start to diminishi would begin flirting and touching other people trying to find someone new. I have almost no friends left due to me either attempting to or successfully having sex with them. My current partner is amazing and i love them but i dont know how to stop myself from seeking out sex or sexual gratification from others whether in person or online. 
One Week Porn Free!
by DragonsRKool
Last post
August 26th
...See more One whole week porn free again. The only advice I can give is to keep trying and remember your motivation. Been trying for 3 years and my last streak was a month. My longest voluntary streak is 2 months.
Masturbate? Yes or no?
by Pudgy
Last post
August 26th
...See more Hey everyone I have a problem and need some advice. I have been watching porn and masturbating for a very long time now at least 5+ years. Over time the amount increased to once a day and sometimes multiple times a day when I’m stressed. I have joined to help me stop or at least decrease the amount. So far gone over a week without relapse which is better than I expected for my first time Here is the problem. I have a very important exam coming up in a month. Basically if I do not do well and not pass I will not get a good job. I have been studying very hard to pass but ever since stopping fapping my concentration is not good. This exam costs a lot of money and my family has great expectations. What should I do? Should I fap and regain my study habit and concentration to help me pass this exam or continue no fap and risk poor study and failing exam?
by TinyJR1
Last post
August 20th
...See more I have questions for other with porn addiction.. I’m told that I watch what I want to have. Personally I don’t think that’s true.. so what do you think? And thank
Sex addiction
by LilBlondeBaby17
Last post
August 20th
...See more i have found that I am attracted to guys twice my age and wanting unhealthy sex relationships with them even meeting an older guy from an online chat for sex. Not sure what to do about it but think talking about it is a good first step.
Sex Addiction
by queenboss1101
Last post
August 20th
...See more Hi I suffer from sex addiction. I’m looking for daily listener
Self harm
by pieceoftar
Last post
August 20th
...See more I have within the past 3 years become addicted to sexual self harm I want those parts to hurt I want to rip them out of my body but instead I shove things in there hoping for extra satisfacation I do it at work I do it while shopping I do it all day some days .. It feels right to do in public because its less.lonley .
Christian With Masturbation/Pornography Addiction
by lydiae19
Last post
August 16th
...See more Hi there, I'm a Christian and I struggle with sexual addiction. This addiction has been going on for the past seven years. Over the past year and a half of so, I have been trying everything under the sun to fight this. Obviously, turning to Jesus first and foremost. But also talking to people, counseling, literature, accountability software, and a support group. I feel discouraged in my faith and I feel as though I have exhausted my resoures. I would really apprciate talking to someone who understands what I am going through and shares my beliefs. Thanks everyone :) Edited by Asherwolfice 4/5/2021
Hypersexuality :(
by SparisAracc00n
Last post
August 9th
...See more I struggle with hypersexuality as a trauma response and it hurts, its like a form of SH and idk how to gwt over it bcs i feel disgusting- ive tried ao hard to block it out but its like i force myself through it because i know it triggers me and ill cry after- does anybody know what to do? :((

Addiction Support

Please note: bolded grey text is hyperlinked.

Welcome to Addiction Support! We are so pleased that you have stumbled across our little corner of the internet. Our community is here to support you through any recovery and/or pathway from substances to gambling, internet, self-harm, porn addiction, sex addiction, and more. All are welcome to participate whether you are a family member watching a loved one struggling or if you are struggling yourself. Feel free to discuss anything and everything related to addictions.

What are the different forum topics for Addiction Support?

Community Space: A place for you to introduce yourself and take part in our community check-ins.

Games and Icebreakers: A place for you to get to know other community members by participating in fun games!

General Addiction Support: Do you have a question or want to share more about your addiction? Do it here!

Journals: Want to share your story or involve us on your journey to recovery? Do it here!

Loving Those With Addictions: Got a loved one with an addiction? Share your story here!

Sex and Porn Addiction Support: Struggling with a sex and/or porn addiction? Discuss it here!

How can I help?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable to). Alternatively, you may wish to join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information.

Helpful Threads

Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our taglist to be notified every time a new discussion or update is posted!

Addiction Support FAQ

Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?

All sub-community specific guidelines can be found below and should be followed in addition to the general forum guidelines.

Help... I still have a question! 

You can ask your questions in this thread and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.

Community Guidelines

Remain professional, kind, and respectful towards one another. 
Even if you do not get along with an individual listener, it is up to you to act appropriately. If you must, step away and do not engage.

Prevent hurtful rumor/gossip spreading. 
Rumor: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
Gossip: idle talk especially about the personal or private affairs of others

Aim to grow and learn as a Listener & person. 
In this light, learning to accept feedback thankfully.

Be aware of how to use the forum correctly and what may happen when you do not do so. 
See more detailed forum guidelines below.

Refrain from sharing personal contact information
including, but not limited to, social media accounts, home addresses, phone numbers, messaging apps/sites, or any other medium of contact off-site. Learn more about internet safety in this forum. If you use the scheduling tool YouCanBookMe, you are required to remove the email submission step. Learn how to do this here.

Maintain a confidential atmosphere. 
Between you and member/guests and between you and other listeners. All conversations between you and members are confidential. Do not share any chat details with any other listeners or members. Additionally, do not write or blog about any issues you are supporting people on.

Engage in healthy problem solving. 
This means problem solving with the goal to continue to make the community better. Engage in healthy debates and conversations which lend themselves to problem solving and working together. Read more on the topic of healthy problem solving in this forum.

Use proper conflict resolution skills with every person on the site 
Proper conflict resolution means dealing with conflict in a supportive manner that benefits both you and the other person involved. Read more on conflict resolution in this forum.

Respect boundaries of other community members. 
This includes a total ban on stalking and harassment of any kind. 

Choose not to engage in sexting or flirting. 
We have a zero tolerance policy for these behaviors. Even if it is consensual, it is not allowed on 7 Cups. Read more about sexting and flirting in this forum.

Never create second accounts on the site. 
Each person is only allowed one listener and one member account. There are no exceptions.

Protect your log-in information to all accounts on 7 Cups and not allow anyone else to use it besides the person whose name is in our system. 
We expect that you will be the sole user of your listener/member account. If it comes to our attention that another person has accessed your account, we will need to immediately close your account for security reasons. This includes log-in details for 7 Cups Admin accounts.

Do not engage in hateful behaviors of any kind. 
Showing hate towards any gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, racial or cultural background or imposing your view point on any of these items on another user is forbidden.

We now have a behavior point system.
We ask each user to live by the guidelines outlined in this thread. Each behavior mentioned will be assigned a behavior point, once a certain number of points are accumulated within 6 months, consequences will be enacted.