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How can I help?

TinyDragon44 May 16th, 2022


My Partner has a self harm addiction and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how bad it is or how I can help him. Should I stay in the room when their mood goes down or should I leave? I don’t know how to act. I want to help.

Does anybody have any tipps for me?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 15th, 2022

Hey @TinyDragon44, *offers hugs*, seeing our loved ones in pain and struggling can be such a horrible feeling, to top off that, a helpless feeling when we don't know how to help them or comfort it. I'm so sorry your partner is struggling, and it is so evident how their pain is causing you hurt too. :(

Not just with SH addiction, but in general also, when someone is struggling, I feel, one of the most helpful things we can do is to be patient with them, be non-judgmental and offer an assurance that you'll be around to listen and support them and comfort them when things get hard. It could also be an option to ask them directly, communication sure helps (when they are ready to talk though) what may help them, to share how you're feeling and how you'd really want to help them, asking them what do they need at this time, how best could you help/ support etc

It is also important that you look after your own wellbeing too, please take care of yourself. Sending love and strength. ❤