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Do Alcoholics Eventually Lose It?

User Profile: TransAm85
TransAm85 July 25th, 2019

My husband and I have been together for almost 8 years. I was 26 when we started dating so I was still a little too young to notice his alcoholic tendencies. At that time, I liked to go out on weekends and drink myself, so I never paid attention to his drinking so much. After we got married and moved in together, things changed. I started working with him at his auto shop. I see how some of his friends come by around 4 pm and bring an 18 pk almost everyday. He is a high functioning alcoholic. He is not a very big person either, so him drinking a whole 18 pack himself sometimes is killing his liver! My grandma's best friend died from cirrohsis at only 50. My husband is 42 now. We met in 2011 and through the years we have had many ups and downs, but I think his alcohol addiction has had the most impact on his mental functioning? Do people lose memory and concentration? I think he is also starting to go a little nuts. He said to me last night he has been having dreams about dying! I understand that a person's subconscious carries what bothers us most and it can make us have vivid dreams, but that is extreme! He should start seeing a psychiatrist? I cannot help him until he wants to help himself of course. That is causing me some pain though. :(