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Update on addiction.

User Profile: neonScarf9246
neonScarf9246 June 6th

Recently learned the porn addiction is very new and have very negative impact on so many people. So i decided to be open about it to raise awareness about it. But because of the affects it as on me so it ended up being misintepreted. But after i found fightthenewdrug website and yourbrainonporn realized why i couldnt resist the temptation. It very difficult and not many people known this issue to be a real issue. Most people wouldnt care about it because its not alchohol or cocaine or heroin. Im in asia which make things worse.

I dont know the effects that it has now to the people i open up to. My name or family. Lately stressed because of it thinking if i could somehow with missing teenage years get a job outside of this country and to a place where they understands and can help would be better. Not to say people around me donr help me but just the barely known part makes even my family treat me like trash even in their tone sometimes.

Theres many positive step i took to understand and work toward something better but if this is how they interpret my addiction then i couldnt bare to be in this country. No one would understand it enough even most people would put a blind eye to it.

I know theres thread and website but if my current life is like this then this is ***. Jobs not going well then this? Just another downwars spiral.

Just vent it out since how stressful it is for me now.

User Profile: neonScarf9246
neonScarf9246 OP June 6th

Sorry accidently make two thread. Dont know how to delete one

User Profile: neonScarf9246
neonScarf9246 OP June 6th

For me its bordem which leads me to do it. Ads on your phone sometimes display those thing. Then again ads always display many tempting things.

Hey how can we personally talk to each other , I also wanna share a porn addiction with you .

2 replies
User Profile: neonScarf9246
neonScarf9246 OP June 6th

Maybe session app? Those dont need account and private with encryption.

User Profile: neonScarf9246
neonScarf9246 OP June 6th

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User Profile: neonScarf9246
neonScarf9246 OP June 7th

Oh i dont know if this is accurate but these resources doesnt have a rigourious test. In anademic field is mix feeling about it. Social ethical and practical issue. Now if this is the case make sense why almost everyone dont understand these thing. Now all the goos resources is better to raise awareness then something practical.