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It's probably bad

AGirlWithAWeirdName November 8th, 2023

I was sober for 7 months but now I feel like my sobriety has gone down the drain. Couple of days back I got into this intense arguments or conversation with my partner about me not wanting to carry out the conventional duties of a woman. To be very honest, I have no issues with doing most of the things expected but in my part of the world, I have seen how women get treated once the subject themselves to the Almighty conventional duties of a woman. I have made several compromises for him and even attempted to adjust my personality just so we don't have issues but it feels like whatever i do is never enough because there's always one thing to complain about or the other. The fact that he has now made this his way or the highway kind of conversation is really triggering for me. I mean, he has been the only stable thing in my life for over 9 months and to lose that, I'm not sure I'm ready for that. The past 2-3 months have been so exhausting and his incessant desire to always talk about everything drives me nuts. Frankly, I don't like talking about our fights, I prefer to just apologize and move on. I mean, what's the point of talking about it if at the end of the day you're still going to make me out to be the one at fault. Isn't it just better to apologize and just move on. But because he prefers to talk about everything, he makes us do it even when I don't want to. I've told him over and again that I do not like talking about our issues but I don't think he cares about that, I always have to do what he wants. I guess I got so exhausted, mentally stressed and emotionally distraught and I just wanted to feel calm because it felt like I had a lot of loads on my shoulders and like the world was spinning so fast, I ended up smoking. Although it was just one time but I think we know better than to assume it will just be one time. I relapsed and I feel so guilty about it.

toughTiger6481 November 11th, 2023


You are aware it was not just one time as it often snowballs from there.  

i can see the stress and things makes us think we can handle it but in the end we are just adding another problems on top of your current situation .... 

being honest with your self you can start counting again on being sober.... adding guilt never helps in keeping you on course it is your mind frame and doing what needs to be done we all stumble only the strong pick up and start over.