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Fighting for over 3 weeks, it gets harder from here

amiableFig7651 May 20th, 2023

After doing well for 3 weeks, its getting harder as as the anxiety to watch porn has increased. I am part responsible too as sometime in order to find relief I did try to watch. I t did curb it for the while but it came back next day. The longing increases and I didn't realise how much I have become attached to it that it hurts to leave it.

But I am committed and will stay this way, I need this. Does anyone have advise as to what should I do in order to make myself feel good.

SweetPanda156 May 20th, 2023

@amiableFig7651 You got this! Think about all the good things you can distract yourself or use your time to improve yourself!!

amiableFig7651 OP May 22nd, 2023

@SweetPanda156 I am really trying hard and have success. Just to tell, I relapsed today. But the good thing is I made a huge progress in last weeks so I want to work on top of that progress.

Also the issue I am facing is that I have too much lust. Like its way too much than my normal self, like my normal mind wouldn't seek things I want to seek right now. What I am fighting is to let go of porn and too much lust and dangerous behavior it has created in me.

As I have grown older I have realised that my sexual desires have increased, by body naturally wants it but I am destroying it with excessive porn usage and other extreme stuff I went into, which I do regret but I can't change past now. So yeah, I have a lot of issues but I hope I can come over it!