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Introducing Myself.

User Profile: scarbstar
scarbstar January 12th

mdlq4bu7zal2wbrugbt2tmedufzjfqy-bmieuzidxy4-2kjw6fonn-mojh8mvhdzm2dtgj2ec36vy7yi2utc8iimbcrb0dswcizbyrqjz-g-0sllvenwpefhx7njxpuk-4alpfhs_1736707906.jpegHi everyone. My name is star and I'm a recovering addict. 

I'd just like to introduce myself as your new forum supporter.

I have been sober for 2 years and I really am looking forward to getting involved in this community. Not only for you all but for myself as well. 

What I'm hoping to gain from the 7cups leadership community is a more active Addiction community. Don't be afraid to post. 

Our most lasting and fulfilling achievements are often earned by helping others fulfill theirs.

This is also a CHECK IN where's everyone at and introduce yourselves!



Oh wow this was fast! Congratulations on your new role, Star and good wishes for your journey ahead!⭐