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NEW - Addiction Support Automated Taglist
by tommy
Last post
July 8th
...See more Welcome to the NEW Addiction Support Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 1st July (updated by @tommy)
by Happykiddo174
Last post
12 hours ago
...See more Anyone know some distractions skills?
I need help
by Mase58
Last post
12 hours ago
...See more My names Mason and I need serious help I sh and have a porn addiction which tie into eachother please don’t judge I want to get better
I need help
by Mase58
Last post
12 hours ago
...See more I’m new to this but I have a porn and masterbation addiction I don’t know what to do but I need help bad please don’t judge I know it’s embarrassing but I just want help
Is this Celebrity Worship Syndrome?
by metanoicbloom
Last post
13 hours ago
...See more I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year now and everything has been going so well for us, but he has picked up on a few things that he thinks I may need to get help with; my delusions for famous celebrities. When he first mentioned it a few months ago, we both laughed it off, I feel I'm fairly aware that my delusions are simply that; delusions. However, more recently, he sat me down to have a chat about how he thinks it may be escalating further than just a simple celebrity crush. I've studied psychology since I was 17 (3 years) and I remember learning about parasocial relationships in school, vividly recalling the time my friends and I joked about us being the reason for the proposal of parasocial relationship theories. But, now that my boyfriend has mentioned this, I find myself going back to then and wondering if I actually may be experiencing a parasocial relationship, specifically Celebrity Worship Syndrome (CWS). I won't divulge into the details of CWS here, so please look it up if you are unaware and curious, but I would just like some guidance on if people think I may be somewhere within the CWS spectrum and, if so, if it is severe enough for me to be encouraged to seek professional help: I've always had a thing for different celebrities for as long as I can remember and I know my obsessions used to be much worse, especially during lockdown (which I believe was down to me being 15/16 and chronically online during this time). I can remember so many times where I would think 'I will never be happy or satisfied with my life unless I am sharing it with this celebrity' or 'I don't think I will ever meet someone that could compare to this person'. At that time, I hadn't been in a relationship and was very inexperienced in dating, so of course I would daydream and obsess over celebrities because who else did I have? Overtime, as I started to mature and casually date people, my obsessions with celebrities mellowed, but never completely went away. I should probably give some context here, but I am massively into music. It is probably my favourite and most effective coping mechanism for my depression and anxiety. I feel such a strong connection to music, and so I suppose that has festered into me feeling attraction for the musicians that create some of my favourite albums. Since being 15/16, although my obsessions have mellowed, they definitely peak after I've been to a concert or festival and seen them there. More recently, I went to a festival and saw a band that I have been wanting to see for years. As I've mentioned before, I've expressed to my boyfriend about my attraction to the musician in this band, but it has definitely escalated since I saw them live. I daydream about them more often than I would like to admit, I create up fantasy scenarios around this person when going to sleep, I google about their life from childhood to now, I watch any and all interviews that I can find online (all of which take me back to my younger years of obsessive love for celebrities). But, the thing that has pushed my boyfriend over the edge is when I had expressed that I thought if I ever met this celebrity on the street, I think they would fall in love with me. I told my boyfriend that this celebrity would not see me as a fan and would be attracted to my personality and looks. I said it kind of as a joke, as I know how unlikely it is I will ever meet this person and I know that this is what I've created in my head, but at the same time, I do genuinely believe that if the very unlikely came true, it is possible that they would find me attractive. My boyfriend didn't express it to me at the time, but he has since told me that it hurts him that I have these feelings for people that aren't even in my life. I didn't mean for it to hurt him, and he knows I would never leave him for a musician as I have fallen in love with him, I haven't fallen in love with the celebrity. However, I can understand why it must be so hard for him to hear me talking about another person in this way. It isn't affecting our relationship in the way that he would leave me over this, but as you can probably guess, it is still having a negative impact on our bond. I don't want to hurt him and I don't mean for this to hurt him because I am truly in love with him, I just cannot help but have these delusions sometimes. I have the option of not sharing my thoughts with him, but sometimes he prompts a conversation to do with said celebrity and I just end up spiralling and wanting to keep talking about them. I don't know what to do anymore and I don't know if this is something that I can work through myself, or if I should seek help for this type of addictive/obsessive disorder (if I even have CWS in the first place). I'm currently on a waitlist for PTSD therapy, but I'm wondering if, at this point, I should call them and ask them if there's anyway I could be seen sooner since this, on top of my anxiety and depression, is getting worse and interfering with my life. Any help and advice would be really amazing, thank you so much if you took the time to read through my very very long thread!
Alcohol addiction
by jvals
Last post
18 hours ago
...See more Hello everyone I recently quit drinking am 20 days sober but today has been rough been anxious for the past two hours can't focus or concentrate I have to leave work early and come home since I got home I have been crying don't know what to do and I don't want to drink anymore please is this feelings part of alcohol withdrawal and when will it stop I really need help or someone to talk to
Looking for an Accountability Partner! (Female)
by crimsonMelon5242
Last post
1 day ago
...See more I have listen from someone that accountability is the key to the journey of healing and recovery. I am looking for Female accountability partner so that i could recover from my addiction more faster and easily!
by Psychoticlov3r
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hey I’m new here and I was doing a lot of self harm when I was feeling down, or mad, or anything really that sets me off mainly arguments with my dad, or if I’m feeling bad about myself..and then I found out about nicotine and vaping, everyone warned me I’d become addicted to nicotine and I told them that I wouldn’t, that I was “different” that I could stop…it’s been almost 2 years and I’m still heavily addicted to it, now instead of self harming physically, I use my vape, I been 7 months clean from it, but I nearly lost the clean streak yesterdsy until I found this app.
The friend of addiction
by amicableox0685
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Depression is a friend of addiction. When your tired and weary it tries to lie to you. If you don't feed into it it invites the others for help. Know who you are and why you feel that way. If you are going through something with someone else it's likely they're obstacles in life make them react negatively as well.
tw sh
by yarayaru
Last post
...See more almost one year sober, but i think its not worth it bcs this whole one year i still think abt it, i just never do it. does it count? i feel like it, which let me to want do it more
The Power of Community
by caringWind8613
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...See more Hey everyone, I've been thinking a lot lately about how much this community has meant to me. It's more than just a place to chat and share information; it's a support system, a source of inspiration, and a place to make lasting friendships. I've heard from so many of you that participating in this community has given you extra confidence, support, and helped you make new friends. I can definitely relate! There's something truly special about connecting with people who share your interests and experiences. I'm curious to hear your stories. How has being a part of this community impacted your life? What have you learned or gained from your experiences here? Let's share our stories and continue to build a strong and supportive community together. Best,
Addiction on video games
by andrewtan99
Last post
...See more As a child, I would be handed an ipad by my elder sister, who is older by 4 years old, I would play with the ipad for 4-5 hours, almost non stop, until someone needs mee somewhere else. Years later, I still have relapses towards the addiction. During relapses I would ignore everyone else. It's not completely satisfying when I do it and I get missed out on a lot. It's a difficult thing to battle because it could be a shelter everytime I face something too stressful.
Sex addiction, Anxiety, and Self harm
by jawad1213
Last post
...See more Two to three years back, i suffered extreme anxiety and depression and during that time i used to go to prostitutes, online sex cams etc even sex chats. At that time it was quick relief for me but then it became my addiction, and whenever i try to control myself, i feel anxiety, even these days i am trying to not do that stuff, but as usuall i am extremely frustrated even sometimes i feel charm hurting my self, i dont know why and what is the connection of sex addiction, anxiety, and self harm. I need your kind suggestions, what should i do? Should i keep trying to completely stop this or should i keep few things and stop others ? I dont know if anyone here can understand this or anyone who can relate with this, please help me, your efforts will be appreciated greatly. Thank you! Have a good day!

Addiction Support

Please note: bolded grey text is hyperlinked.

Welcome to Addiction Support! We are so pleased that you have stumbled across our little corner of the internet. Our community is here to support you through any recovery and/or pathway from substances to gambling, internet, self-harm, porn addiction, sex addiction, and more. All are welcome to participate whether you are a family member watching a loved one struggling or if you are struggling yourself. Feel free to discuss anything and everything related to addictions.

What are the different forum topics for Addiction Support?

Community Space: A place for you to introduce yourself and take part in our community check-ins.

Games and Icebreakers: A place for you to get to know other community members by participating in fun games!

General Addiction Support: Do you have a question or want to share more about your addiction? Do it here!

Journals: Want to share your story or involve us on your journey to recovery? Do it here!

Loving Those With Addictions: Got a loved one with an addiction? Share your story here!

Sex and Porn Addiction Support: Struggling with a sex and/or porn addiction? Discuss it here!

How can I help?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable to). Alternatively, you may wish to join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information.

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Addiction Support FAQ

Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to?

All sub-community specific guidelines can be found below and should be followed in addition to the general forum guidelines.

Help... I still have a question! 

You can ask your questions in this thread and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.

Community Guidelines

Remain professional, kind, and respectful towards one another. 
Even if you do not get along with an individual listener, it is up to you to act appropriately. If you must, step away and do not engage.

Prevent hurtful rumor/gossip spreading. 
Rumor: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
Gossip: idle talk especially about the personal or private affairs of others

Aim to grow and learn as a Listener & person. 
In this light, learning to accept feedback thankfully.

Be aware of how to use the forum correctly and what may happen when you do not do so. 
See more detailed forum guidelines below.

Refrain from sharing personal contact information
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Engage in healthy problem solving. 
This means problem solving with the goal to continue to make the community better. Engage in healthy debates and conversations which lend themselves to problem solving and working together. Read more on the topic of healthy problem solving in this forum.

Use proper conflict resolution skills with every person on the site 
Proper conflict resolution means dealing with conflict in a supportive manner that benefits both you and the other person involved. Read more on conflict resolution in this forum.

Respect boundaries of other community members. 
This includes a total ban on stalking and harassment of any kind. 

Choose not to engage in sexting or flirting. 
We have a zero tolerance policy for these behaviors. Even if it is consensual, it is not allowed on 7 Cups. Read more about sexting and flirting in this forum.

Never create second accounts on the site. 
Each person is only allowed one listener and one member account. There are no exceptions.

Protect your log-in information to all accounts on 7 Cups and not allow anyone else to use it besides the person whose name is in our system. 
We expect that you will be the sole user of your listener/member account. If it comes to our attention that another person has accessed your account, we will need to immediately close your account for security reasons. This includes log-in details for 7 Cups Admin accounts.

Do not engage in hateful behaviors of any kind. 
Showing hate towards any gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, racial or cultural background or imposing your view point on any of these items on another user is forbidden.

We now have a behavior point system.
We ask each user to live by the guidelines outlined in this thread. Each behavior mentioned will be assigned a behavior point, once a certain number of points are accumulated within 6 months, consequences will be enacted.