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30 day gratitude challenge!

User Profile: chyni
chyni June 1st, 2024

i thought that it’d be a great idea to start a 30 day gratitude challenge! of course, i’m hoping that i can log on everyday to update as my days lately haven’t been looking great. 

today’s first prompt :  

DAY 1 : “3 things that make you special” 💜

unfortunately, i’ll be no longer doing this 30 day challenge 

User Profile: chyni
chyni OP June 1st, 2024

three things that make me special: 

1) i consider myself to be a very wise individual. i feel as if my mind is way older than my body. i consider that i huge flex, because not everyone my age group, or even older than me, that i personally communicated with, has the emotional maturity as i do. 

2) my uniqueness, which includes my personality, personal choices in different things, the way i think about and treat others …

3) i am ME. there’s only one me in this world, so i think that pretty much makes me special 😎

User Profile: beautifulPup4210
beautifulPup4210 February 13th

Ok, I'll join! My 30 days begin on FEb 13, 2025 (I don't know when this post began)

3 Things That Make Me Special

* (Whether you believe in a God, Creator, Nature, or Other) I am a unique creation, placed here on Earth in the form, time, and among the people that I am able to contribute to in a way that I was created to.

* My greatest strength is Empathy and Determination to move forward, always

* I am beautiful, even in areas in which other people do not find popular, I am unique in the way that my creator intended. The parts others disdain are actually learning and growth opportunities-for me and for them.

User Profile: EliseLeaf
EliseLeaf February 14th


I am sorry that you are no longer doing this challenge, however, I'd like to give it a go.

Three things that make me special:

1. I am reflective and I try my best to understand!

2. I am a big dreamer! I can come up with so many realities.

3. I am here and have continued to be here through the struggles.