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Build your own Academy Program

User Profile: Hope
Hope August 22nd, 2021

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. Let's do a fun activity as part of the academy week.

Build your own Academy Program

To participate in the activity, simply use the following template
Name of the program
Aim of the program
Requirements to join
Course Syllabus (theoretical)
Practical Component.

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August 22nd, 2021

Name of the program: A Day in Listener's Life.
Aim of the program: Improving Listening Skills.
Requirements to join: Any listener can join.
Course Syllabus (theoretical): Forum discussions on major chat scenarios.
Practical Component: Practice your learning by taking chats.

Believe in the good in you and in those you meet❤️

User Profile: QuietMagic
QuietMagic August 22nd, 2021

Name of the program: New Listener Training
Aim of the program: Increase skills/knowledge/quality of new listeners
Requirements to join: Required after creating listener account; either replaces or supplements Active Listening
Course Syllabus (theoretical): Contents of the current Listener Primer and Quality Listening Program
Practical Component: Multiple choice quizzes, contents of the current Listener Verification Project after completing reading/quiz portion

User Profile: explore1000
explore1000 August 22nd, 2021


Name of the program: Phycology and Meditation

Aim of the program: To learn basic patterns of human minds' and behaviors' and how to resolve them with reflection/quite.
Requirements to join: Listener and enthusiasm!

Course Syllabus (theoretical): Part 1 will focus on 7 key perspectives of phycology (Behavioral, Psychodynamic, Cognitive, Biological, Cross-Cultural, Evolutionary, and Humanistic). Part 2 will be composed of how and why we meditate (breathing straties, reflection questions, mentras, 7 chakras, and movements/stretching).

Practical Component: Readings, Multiple choice quizzes, hands-on meditation activities, and possibly (for honnors) leading an anxiety room for a discussion and/or meditations.

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User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 22nd, 2021

This sounds so unique and interesting ❤ I love how you mentioned enthusiasm as a requirement ! @explore1000

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User Profile: Remina
Remina August 22nd, 2021


Name of the program: Empathy Empowerment
Aim of the program: To teach new and older listeners how to use empathy in their responses in their chats, chatrooms, and the forums. It helps change their language into a more empathetic one.
Requirements to join: At least 1 week as a listener. Must have no behavioral reports. Have taken at least 2 chats and have 1 written review.
Course Syllabus (theoretical):
* Complete Active Listening the Basics during the course
* Work with a mentor
* Write different threads in selected communities with an emphasis on Empathy
* Chat at least 10 hours a week
* Apply for either Peer Support (practices empathy with listeners) or for Room Supporter or Forum Supporter
* Submit one article a week
Practical Component. Readings, mini quizzes at the end of the week, different lectures to watch on empathy, and for honors, write an empathy guide and submit it via a google form to be graded to show what has been learned.

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 22nd, 2021

Cool idea ,Hope ! It is actually kinda tough to think of something though haha , I have a very similar idea to BCP ( which Is not a part of academy programs anymore sadly ) , Something for the forums 😄 @Hope

Name of the program
Forum leadership Program

Aim of the program
To bring more engagement and support in the forums of different communities , to ensure *every* thread is heard and acknowledged and replied to . To help users become more comfortable in forums .

Requirements to join
Any listener/ member can join , will to learn and grow

Course Syllabus (theoretical) ( this could actually be quite less, maybe best in the form of small discussions in forums, or quiz based ) ~ we have alot of resources in the forums for the forums hehe, I think they all can be put to great use here ...
Difference between forums and chatrooms , importance and value of forums , Forum directory (how to make threads etc ) , forum guidelines , importance of upvoting, why every thread needs to be replied to , how to best support in forums etc

Practical Component.
Creating different kinds of threads -: supportive , light hearted , check ins , ice breakers etc .
Engaging with participants ~ thoughtful replies , helping with the needs reply queue.
Assisting a forum / sub community ambassador / leader in organizing and decluttering the forum space.

Honors option / practical component
1. Taking up a forum role and bumping engagement.
2. Join the needs reply team to ensure all threads recieving a reply which is thoughtful and acknowledging.
3. Making a certain number (not too sure of how these could be measured though ) of posts in different sub communities during the program

Any additions / suggestions on this idea are welcome! ❤

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User Profile: sophiasanae
sophiasanae August 23rd, 2021


I was just thinking that we could use a forum program! This is amazing and very well thought out.

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User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 23rd, 2021

Yay glad you feel the same ! *high fives* ❤ @sophiasanae

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User Profile: Ginevra962
Ginevra962 August 23rd, 2021
Name of the program: self care program
Aim of the program: to make listeners understand the importance of self care and how to do it
Requirements to join: no newbie badge
Course Syllabus (Theoretical): eveeything there is to know about self care on 7 cups
Practical component: courses and quizzes and activities to take a part in.
User Profile: sophiasanae
sophiasanae August 23rd, 2021


Name of the program: Discussion Leader/Group Chat Management Course

Aim of the program: As a mentor, I have found that the majority of new listeners do not know how group chats work or are too shy to join in on disucssions. In this course we would train them on how to lead discussions, function in a group setting, and build skills related to being a leader.

Requirements to join: 10 training courses completed, 100+ cheers, 10 chats

Course Syllabus (theoretical): Weeks 1 and 2 would consist of forum articles on basic topics that include creating a response and replying to other students (similar to the CDM program). Weel 3 would be participation based and have the students go into group chat rooms, and join at least 1 discussion. They would fill out their weekly tracking form writing about what they observed and talk about the discussion leader skills they saw. Week 4 would be becoming a discussion leader and co-hosting their first session. Students would continue to host at least 1 discussion per week while learning about basic conflict resolution skills (for group settings), the role of room supporters, chat supporters, and mods, and skills like reflection, validation, and welcoming that are used in disucssions.

This portion will also allow students to pursue more leadership roles in the future, if they are interested. The final weeks will be focused on script writing. Students will submit a topic for review, and once it is approved they can begin writing their script. It will then receive feedback for editing and will be published on the official list of scripts eventually. Then, the student will get a chance to use their script to host a session. To finish the course, there will be a final evaluation.

Practical Component: Getting comfortable in group settings and learning leadership skills. Also practicing active listening in a setting that isn't 1-1.

Additonal Notes: As the current lead of the Teen Discussions Project, I would be happy to assist if this ever became an academy course. I have seen the benefit and excitment that comes with being a discussion leader and it's a shame that so many listeners aren't able to go into other leadership roles in the future because they don't meet the participation requirements (tiny chat/sparkler badges) needed. I think this would be a great course and would expose so many people to a new side of Cups.

Let me know what you think. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!