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The Positive Sides of DID - Barltik2065

audienta April 2nd, 2023

Hello everyone,

Having a mental illness like a dissociative identity disorder is obviously difficult for the person who has it and comes with many downsides. However, there are also some positive sides of it, and we have the luck that @Barltik2065 is willing to share some of them. Please comment your thoughts on the topic and your appreciation for Barltik in the comments.

The Positive Sides of DID - Barltik2065

6.3 Percent of the population suffers from severe mental illness, per the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)[1]. We are not alone, and we need to see light in the darkness. Having the internal landscape with alters provides much to the world we all live in. These are the ramblings and opinions of someone whom may have a different perspective that hopefully brings positivity.

Dynamics of DID. Systems can provide blending in, in every place. Being incognito, taking control of a chaotic situation, being a leader. Having the headspace to interact with alters to gain experience, knowledge, or just having the strength or clarity to do <fill blank>. There are many perspectives within the system. Together we will move through some of them in no particular order. Just to share.

So let us start with being strong. An alter function or role of a protector. A good leader knows when to be wrong or to be submissive to a situation. Having the headmates (alter) to provide the strength to rise up and meet the challenge. The alter with executive control can have the experience or perceptive aptitude to provide the necessary tools to complete the task at hand. Potentially be the caretaker or be in the unique position to care for younger, weaker, or maybe even perceived vulnerable alters. So being strong is having the proper tools and perception to interact and/or completing the task/situation at hand. Such as a work party or function. Which leads us to the next.

Blending in. The positive of system splits with alters whom are good with memories or able to access headspace, can be witnessed when they are in a wide variety of ages and class of people. Have you known, met someone, or maybe you are someone who is most comfortable in an open environment of people. Being able to fluidly move through the crowds of people with such skill and smoothness while seemingly little effort. Whether it is wanting to be noticed or to be unseen and stealth. With some systems, alters can display social skills or coping mechanisms to deflect. Other alters may be meek and gentle, which can easily be seen but draw little attention.

A meek alter also provides or can provide an impression of empathy. Who doesn’t want to feel noticed. Having an alter whom speaks to many can be an attribute or being able to understand life and event from different perspectives, memories, and feelings through different alters. Once learning to connect with other alters and lower dissociative walls, it seems to provide the means of walking in someone else's shoes. Empathy.

The thoughts, feelings, and actions we share and understand. And also the ability to block. Dissociation is also believed to serve as blocking\minimizing physical and\or emotional pain (perception). Being able to pull away and separate you from the situation. Then later when it is safe to be vulnerable to the pain, being able to process can have its benefit.

[1]Kessler RC, Chiu WT, Demler O, Walters EE. Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of twelve-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005;62(6):617-627.

This post is part of the Awareness and Education on Dissociative Disorders project (clickable). You can find a masterpost with all the posts of the project linked here (clickable). If you want to join the team as a content creator or discussion host, please leave me a message. Also, please comment if you want to be tagged in future posts.

Thank you,

innateJoy9602 April 4th, 2023


Another great post. <3

It's great that some positive can be highlighted. Being able to empathize with others, blending in and being a leader can certainly be valuable at times. Interesting to be able to get all these insights. 💜

audienta OP April 5th, 2023

@innateJoy9602 I agree, @Barltik2065 did a wonderful job highlighting the positive sides. I admire this ability, since having such an impactful disorder makes it really hard to find some light in the dark.