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How to develop a relationship with alters and communicate with them - Teacup8809

audienta April 3rd, 2023

Hello everyone,

One of the big challenges for people who have DID or OSDD-1 is developing a relationship and communicating with their alters. @Teacup8809 was so nice to write down their recommendations on how to improve the communication with your alters. Please leave your thoughts on the topic and your appreciation for Teacup down in the comments.

How to develop a relationship with alters and communicate with them - Teacup8809

These alters are people living in your head. Obviously this can be hard to manage at some points, here are some tips on how to develop relationships with them.

You need to know that they are for a reason, and they may not want to talk to you right away because this disorder is meant to be a secret from the host. So they may feel like a failure if you find out about it before they want you to (which may have been never).

This is all normal, they most likely are going to need time, but when it comes time that they feel ready to start communicating or building a relationship with you there are a few apps we recommend:

  • Antar, this is an app that allows you and your alters to make a group chat, with many different personas, or have private external chats with one or more other alters.
  • Simply Plural, this is an app that allows you to have a front history, a chat, and also be able to friend other systems on it. You can also get it if you’re a single personality to support a friend who has DID/OSDD. As a friend on the app, you can see who is fronting on your friend's side (if they enable it in the settings).
  • Mindly, this allows you to make a system map of sorts, it's very good for if you want to track the Main system, and other Subsystems.

We also recommend a system journal, or honestly post-it-notes and just stick them to your wall with whatever you need to tell your system. These are all very helpful to allow you to gain communication with your alters.

This post is part of the Awareness and Education on Dissociative Disorders project (clickable). You can find a masterpost with all the posts of the project linked here (clickable). If you want to join the team as a content creator or discussion host, please leave me a message. Also, please comment if you want to be tagged in future posts.

Thank you,

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 3rd, 2023

Thankyou for sharing so many tips and resources, @Teacup8809, y'all are amazing! 💛


Thankyou for posting! I'd like to be tagged in future posts! 💛

audienta OP April 4th, 2023


I added you to the (currently very short) list :)